issue: You do not have permission to create archive in this folder

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Joined: 02/10/2016


I tried with trisquel GuI to create an archive.. but I get follow error whatever folder I try.

Could not create the archive
You do not have permission to create archive in this folder

Thank you

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

What folder? What are the permission (right click on the folder, then "Properties", then the "Permissions" tab)?

Joined: 02/10/2016

When I right on any folder, I cannot see the permissions.. the permission could not be determined...its the message I see.
It would be great shortcut to use right click one one folder and compress... but I have this permission issue.

I noticed if I open compress software and I try to create an archive inside software... I have no permission issue inside compress software in gui menu

Thank you

Joined: 12/31/2012

If you can't see the directory/folder permissions, then the owner of the
directory/folder didn't give you *execution* permission in that
directory/folder. To see if this is the case, do as follows:

* Friendly way (using Nautilus, the default file manager)

1. Right-click on the directory/file.

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click on Permissions.

4. See if the "Access" of the owner is set to "list, create/delete, not

5. If (4) is set as I mentioned: See if owner is marked as being

6. If you are the owner, change the owner's access to "Create and delete
files". This should fix the problem for the directory/folder itself
--- for it's contents, you might need to do the same, or click on the
"Change permissions of the files contained in the directory/folder"
button, or change each of the problematic ones individually.

* Alternative way (using GNU Bash, the default terminal shell)

1. Open GNU Bash in GNOME Terminal (if I remember correctly, the default
shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + T, but I might be mistaken).

2. Do: stat "[Path to problematic directory/folder, without these brackets.]"

3. See if "Access" has somethin like "(???? / ? ??- ??? ???)" --- where
"?" is any letter/number/minus, and please remove the spaces in the
example given, they are there for readability purposes.

4. If (3) is true, then let's attempt to change this directly, by doing: chmod u+x "[Path to problematic directory/folder, without these brackets.]"

- This assumes that you are the owner of that directory, *and* has
write permissions (lowercase W) to that directory.

- Ownership and permissions can be seen by using GNU `stat`.

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