Issues creating a VM with QEMU/KVM

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Joined: 10/10/2017

Hi, I installed QEMU/KVM and the Virtual Manager. Everything seems fine. When I create a VM and attach the ISO, the last step gives me a Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to Kill Init - and crashes my PC. Any idea how to fix this? Im using a T400 with Libreboot and Trisquel 7.

Joined: 10/10/2017

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Mangy Dog

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try to install debug tools for Virt-Manager and start your guest with

$ sudo virt-manager --debug
$ sudo virt-manager -d

What do you mean by attach the iso ? is it the same architecture than the host (amd64 host for a amd64bit guest iso) md5sum check of the iso?

It could be a specific Libreboot issue as mentioned here (but for a X200) :

In reviewing this: I see that hardware virtualization is problematic because the CPU itself has a bug inside of it which is why that program crashed when you tried to run to it. The workaround is to do it in software instead which is slower, as you can see.

The T400, when run without CPU microcode updates in coreboot, currently kernel panics if running QEMU with vt-x enabled on 2 cores for the guest. With a single core enabled for the guest, the guest panics (but the host is fine). Working around this in QEMU might be possible; if not, software virtualization should work fine (it’s just slower).
On GM45 hardware (with libreboot), make sure that the kvm and kvm_intel kernel modules are not loaded, when using QEMU.

Before attemting to re-run your guest check the logs in
~ /var/log/libvirt/qemu/''the os youre are trying to run''.log