laptop does not recognize hard drive

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Joined: 02/24/2022

Hello everyone,

I have a thinkpad X220. Trisquel is installed on the computer.
Since two days ago, when I turn on the computer, it doesn't load the operating system and it gives the error "disk not found". I tried my hard disk on another X220 laptop, and the same issue happens.

Does anyone have an idea on how to troubleshoot?
Thank you in advance.

Joined: 09/13/2010

That doesn't sound good. Do you hear the hard disk spin up when it's plugged in? What sort of sounds does it make, if any?

Here's a sound to be worried of:

Or check this out:

Joined: 02/24/2022

Thank you for your answer.
If I listen very closely, I can hear a quiet (meaning low volume) high-pitched sound when I turn on the computer.
But I don't hear a click-click sound that are shown in the video and audio clip you linked to.

Joined: 09/13/2010

That sound could be from other components in the computer (fans or whatever.) The ideal method is removing the drive from the computer and listening to the drive itself when powering up the drive. But if you really aren't hearing the "click of death" then that sounds like a good thing.

Another idea can be to boot the computer in some other way, like from a CD or USB, and open up the Disks program to see if the drive is even appearing there. If it is, try to mount it and see if you can get to the contents.


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Joined: 07/15/2009

By the tests you have run, the message both x220 provides, I would join the perspective that such hard drive is long gone.