Let's troll alphabetically "TRISQUEL 7"
Maybe, someone should use it with the following names?
Do you use GNU/LINUX A-RISQUEL? Not a north American indigenous tribe
Do you use GNU/LINUX B-risquel? Not using Barbeque BRIQUETS!
Do you use GNU/LINUX C-risquel? Is not made in china yet! Neither Christ!
Do you use GNU/LINUX D-risquel? it is not a drive OR DRIVEN!
Do you use GNU/LINUX E-risquel? Not some lost civilization in the Latin America!
Do you use GNU/LINUX F-RISQUEL? Just read me, my rights! before frisking me!
Do you use GNU/LINUX G-risquel? Don't be a naughty boy or girl!
Do you use GNU/LINUX H-risquel? Don't hurdle yet!
Do you use GNU/LINUX I-risquel? Maybe in Iran, they will pronounce it like that!
Do you use GNU/LINUX J-risquel? Are you in jail yet.
Do you use GNU/LINUX k-risquel? kryptonite anyone?
Do you use GNU/LINUXL L-risquel? I'm not a leftist.
Do you use GNU/LINUX M-risquel? The original software for the MIR station..
Do you use GNU/LINUX N-risquel? Don't you dare to use the "N" word, when referring to other minority races.
Do you use GNU/LINUX O-risquel? Where are the Oreo cookies?
Do you use GNU/LINUX P-risquel? Someone ate your pringles potatoes chips...
Do you use GNU/LINUX Q-risquel? When someone quits Trisquel...
Do you use GNU/LINUX R-isquel? Lets play risk!
Do you use GNU/LINUX S-risquel? Are you from Syria?
Do you use GNU/LINUX T-isquel? "letter R is deleted intentional", tisnero is a bad word in Spanish.
Do you use GNU/LINUX U-risquel? trisquel writing in Urdu
Do you use GNU/LINUX V-risquel? Visitors at risk.
Do you use GNU/LINUX W-risquel? a program for distilling Whiskey?
Do you use GNU/LINUX X-risquel? X-room anyone?
Do you use GNU/LINUX Y-risquel? Im not Yoda!
Do you use GNU/LINUX Z-risquel? Just pronounce it like a "Spaniard", LOL, your tongue will fall off!
Of course, in the English language, the alphabet, has only 26 letters. IF you are in doubt, just "GOOGLE IT" or let the duck "QUACK it TO YOU"
About the old ancient Spanish alphabet?
The same as English for the exemption of a few letters.
Lets start with CHRISQUEL, llrisquel, Ñ-risquel and lets not forget, some of this letters are not govern or recognize anymore by the Real Academia Española, except for the "Ñ".
Know,just read and lets keep in good faith with the trolling "Alfabet"