Libreboot GUI Developers
Thanks everyone that has offered to help develop a GUI for installing Libreboot.
The first thing that needs to be decided for the project to move forward is a project manager,
I can take this role if needed but I would prefer someone else to do this as I am lacking in experience.
If anyone would want to be project manager please let me know in the comments below.
it would also be a good idea for everyone to list what they could contribute to the project
so the project manager could give them tasks they would be best suited to.
after everyone has a job to do we can start!
I had a Project Management class during my Computer Engineering studies so I have some formal knowledge in PM, I haven't managed projects with more than 1 people (myself) however I am willing to give it a go.
Thanks! that sounds good.
consider yourself the project manager.
Great! Is the forum the preferred communication method or shall we set up another one?
How many people is already in, specially for coding tasks?
I personally think the forum is fine but if you want to use another I would have nothing against it.
"How many people is already in, specially for coding tasks?"
there have been 3 people who definitely want to help and about 3 others inquiring I guess it would be a good idea if everyone who wants to help would could leave a comment with the skills they could offer?
I think we should have something to have more in real time meetings or at least some form of IM, but I don't know what we could use to achieve this.
qTox probably?
qTox or IRC are fine with me
qTox looks cool, we could go with it if everybody is OK with it.
We can meet up and discuss what do we have right now, both in technical resources and people in the team.
So we can plan what to do next. I think I am going to need the contact info of everybody on the team so we can keep everyone informed.
Ok here is my contact info:
email: name at domain
When should we meet ?
also should we have a deadline for this project?
That depends on our timezone, where are you guys located? I'm on GMT-8 (Pacific Standard Time)
I think weekly meetings would be enough to check tasks and help each other with any problem we may run into.
More than a deadline perhaps a goal, but that should depend on how many people are in the project and the resources we have to work with.
EDIT: I couldn't add you, can you pm your ToxID, please?
We are in Europe.
I am also in Europe
OK, I propose we manage our schedules in GMT so we can have a standard timezone to all the project's activities, Could we meet on qTox this wednesday? you call the time, I'll adjust accordingly.
To everybody else in the forum who may want to join us please PM your toxId's, I will also post a summary to report the project status, if everybody is OK with that.
"Could we meet on qTox this wednesday?"
I am in UTC 0 or GMT 0
On Wednesday I can meet any time as long as its inbetween 11am to 5pm or 9pm to 12pm
on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday I can meet any time after 5pm
and on Weekends I can meet any time
My ToxID
Thanks, I'll add you when go back home.
PMed my contacts.
I'll focus on the code.
The main skills that would be useful are:
C/C++ (2 years intermediate)
Lua (6 months intermediate)
Qt (basics and learning)
Having installed Libreboot before on a X60 and x200 (I had help with the x200 though)
Good GNU/Linux knowledge
GIT: basics
GNU Make: basics
I also own a x200 and X60
If you need any more info just ask!
I don't have compatible hardware, but it's not the first time.
Useful tech that I know: C++, Qt, bash, git, CMake.
Thank you guys!
This program will help a lot of people and sure will become popular.
I suggest you folks come up with a less generic and more memorable while descriptive name for your project :)
If people want to view the progress of the project or contribute we now have a git repo:
What happened to the Sunday meeting?
And could you please recommit the license. I've messed up the push a bit.
we had the meeting on Sunday I arrived at 10PM UTC so I may have missed you
I recommit the license and the RunCmd() C++ function
Ok, verify that the project compiles with CMake and launches. Also look at UI examples in mockups/ directory (run them with qmlscene).
And I'm waiting for specs.
"And I'm waiting for specs."
the plan is here:
I am having some problems when running cmake .
it gives this error:
Could not find a configuration file for package "Qt5Core" that is
compatible with requested version "5.4".
this is most likely due to the fact I have a outdated version of QT installed
but I can not find a QT version in Trisquel above 5.4
so I compiled Qt 5.5 from source and installed it with make install
and yet it still dose not work (yes I deleted CMakeCache.txt)
any ideas?
Do you know how to install Qt 5.4 on Trisquel?
Ported to 5.2. I'm used to having multiple Qt versions.
The simplest way to install a different Qt version is to use a qt installer from the Qt site. It compiles Qt from source. The result can be installed into something like ~/Qt-5.2/.
(well, in this case I've installed 5.2)
Then create ~/.config/qtchooser/5.2.conf file with two lines like this:
After that, it's possible to use tools like qmake or qmlscene from that installation:
$ qmlscene -qt=5.2 ui01.qml
To use with CMake:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt-5.2/5.2.1/gcc_64/lib/cmake/ ../myproject
Ok, that's for the future, but now I'm ok with the 5.2. Is should compile now.
Also look at the GUI files in LbFlasher/mockups: ui01.qml, ui02.qml and ui03.qml. they can be viewed with qmlscene:
$ qmlscene ui01.qml
Thanks it now compiles
I have had a look at the UI mock-ups and they look very good
ui02 is my favourite
So are we having another meeting?
The impression I got from the last meeting was my job is to write c++ functions for running the libreboot scripts
now I have made char * RunCmd(const char* command, long int BufferLen);
are there any other functions needed?
I'll post some code today to discuss.
Sorry guys, I've been busy with my job and being sick, but I'm still alive and kicking, good to see some progress! I would appreciate if you could PM me your emails so we can communicate directly when the schedules doesn't match.
No problem. I'll probably be busy too because my computer is dying.
re-PMed contact info.
The funny thing is that the problem was with the proprietary bootloader. At some point it has decided that my settings aren't good any more. Reflashed with a new version that now has some nice graphical glitches with the screen I have.
Hey, is this still going on?
I'd love to see it coming into fruition :)