Libreboot pre-installed laptops with Trisquel back in stock on RetroFreedom

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Joined: 04/03/2017

Hi everyone!

I'm Leah, of the Libreboot project. I just want everyone to know my laptops are back in stock now. My shop was offline for a few months, because I was focusing on other tasks, such as the recent Libreboot release. I am the founder and lead developer of Libreboot.

The laptops come with Trisquel and Libreboot pre-installed:

Happy hacking!


Joined: 04/01/2021

Ouch. Thought it was worth waiting, but the X200 was hit by 60% inflation. That's just heavily more than I can afford.

Congratulations for your work anyway, I am sure some people can afford these prices. I think I would be fine with it, resources permitting.

Joined: 04/03/2017

I've reduced it a bit now. X200 and T400 are harder to find nowadays so I had to increase the prices. I agree that I increased them too much.

I think the new prices are much more balanced now. A much more modest increase. You may notice that I sell a lot more machines these days. This is the reason why. This is to mitigate the fact that the X200 and T400 are harder to find nowadays, by simply selling other machines aswell. That way, I can still keep up the same supply each month.


I am a member!

Joined: 06/19/2015

On 7/22/21 1:35 PM, name at domain wrote:

> Ouch. Thought it was worth waiting, but the X200 was hit by 60%
> inflation. That's just heavily more than I can afford.

Not only inflation, but the fact that these computers are no longer in
production. Once they're all gone, they're all gone. Lelnono won't make

However, the Talos II is in production, and it is even more expensive!

We should just buy one big computer for the home and have everyone use
it by graphical desktop terminals, like in the old days. Timesharing
system, baby!


I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

> We should just buy one big computer for the home and have everyone use
> it by graphical desktop terminals, like in the old days.

That sounds like a good idea but I am not sure what small/cheap computer to use as such terminals, of course running only free software.

Joined: 04/03/2017

The laptops are harder to find nowadays, but it's still viable for me. I reckon it'll be a good few more years before the currently supported ThinkPads in libreboot become totally unavailable.

I'm presently working on newer/more hardware support for Libreboot.

Joined: 03/18/2016

Good news! I love my Librebooted X200 and still use it daily even after owning it for years. Hopefully you're able to bring in some new (even if antiquated) devices and get them RYF approved. The rockchip chromebooks aren't bad candidates, especially with PrawnOS being fully free. It's a shame that EOMA68 devices never got off the ground... but here's to hoping for the future.

Joined: 04/03/2017

I've decided to reduce the prices further. They are now the same as during early 2021.

Joined: 04/03/2017

Libreboot X200 available again at

I've recently been able to get the X200 again in large quantity. There was previously a major shortage, but things are returning to normal in the UK again and my suppliers have many machines available for me. As a result, I've now reset the X200 prices to their usual price (I was previously charging more for them, due to low availability).

I'm Leah, the founder of Libreboot and lead developer, and I use these sales to fund my work on Libreboot. I'm planning a new Libreboot release for late September / early October.