Linux Libre kernel and headers...

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Joined: 12/07/2019

Why are these updated so often ? I can understand the security updates being needed but do these updates include security as well ? I ask because the last bunch of non sec updates caused the lower toolbar to be wiped of all added links/shortcuts.

I did narrow it down to a particular update(s) which on reboot caused the toolbar wiping but have since forgot what update it was.

Will these kernel updates require a reboot?

Screenshot at 2023-12-09 13-55-11.png57.08 KB
Joined: 09/13/2010

For any given package name you can look at the change log to see what's happening by running this command in your terminal:

apt changelog NAME

Where NAME is the package name.

A kernel update will always require a reboot. Trisquel doesn't have those rebootless kernel upgrades. I looked into doing it once for my own Linux-libre builds and it seemed much work. There also didn't seem to be anyone asking for them so I didn't move forward.

Joined: 12/07/2019

Ok thanks for that info jxself. The apt changelog NAME command is helpful.


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Joined: 07/15/2009

For the sake on clarification the last mate-panel reset was due to mate-panel updates including some memory leak fixes, that should prevent the window applet to crash randomly, not the linux-libre kernel, it might happen that you got both updates at the same time and might have confuse the effect of one to the next, if you have suffered from these crashes in the past you might find that they might have reduced or gone since that update.

On the frequency of updates regard, this couple of months there have been plenty of them, I suppose due to the year ending and everyone might go into the holidays inactivity soon, so everyone is doing the last push to close all pending task before taking a break, which is a good thing, so you start the year with your system up-to-date and secure for the new challenges that 2024 might offer.
