Live DVD Trisquel 8.0 64bits installation issue

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Joined: 05/03/2019

I would like to perform installation in text mode, without network connection.
Is it possible and if yes, how ?
Thanks in advance

Joined: 01/12/2017

If I remember correctly, when you boot the Trisquel installation media, you have the option to use text mode.

Joined: 05/03/2019

You are right, I found the text mode boot option, went through the first steps until it requires a network connection.
At this point, it is just impossible to go any further if there is no network connection available.
Installation should be possible as all necessary data are on the DVD, isn't it ?

Joined: 01/12/2017

Correct, you should be able to install a fully functional system without connecting to the Internet. To be fair I have never used the text mode installation. I'll give it a try tonight and let you know my experience. I wonder if there is a skip option during the network configuration?


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Joined: 07/07/2017

> I would like to perform installation in text mode, without network
> connection.
> Is it possible and if yes, how ?

The text mode installer is the same thing as the netinstall. It requires
an Internet connection.