Managing inflation with technology

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Jonathan Matt Gresham
Joined: 07/24/2023

If collective decision-making is allowed to manage inflation through interpersonal communication then perhaps the Internet may grow more powerful. Power is held by decision-makers like Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve which is held accountable by Congress. People may describe wages as low and unemployment reduced but high to degree. Because of the diverse backgrounds of governments: international nongovernmental organizations compete against them. Examples of organizations of this regard include the W3C and the FSF. Based on research, average policy decisions can be resolved and reworked through programming neural or associative networks onto virtual dedicated servers with less human-like attributes applied to the relevant licenses like GPLv3 and actual proprietary licenses related to exchange values. Hefty hardware requirements of operating systems like Microsoft Windows must increase climate sensitivity more than software like OpenBSD and GNU/Linux. Using software such as OpenBSD and GNU/Linux on virtual private servers must give us the opportunity to manage inflation with them.

Works Cited.
Bekhterev, Vladimir. Collective Reflexology. Transaction Publishers, 2017. Inline citations are from the hard cover edition, and not from the eBook. It is a book by Russian scientist Vladimir Bekhterev written in 1921. The subject is Behavioral Sciences. Collective Reflexology is significant because the work contains statistical reasoning that might provide descriptive analysis and information for topics like sociology, social studies, social psychology, journalism, and the study and research into globalization; it may also approach the context of mental health from its objectivist standpoint. It is also significant because it behaviorally takes critical thinking to a new level. “Writing is another proof that the human personality evolves under the influence of society. It allows the results of individual experience to be widely circulated in the collective as well as to be recorded for the future and preserved for posterity. It will be no exaggeration to state that writing transformed man into an historical being” (Bekhterev, page 22).
At first glance, this claim seems to lack clarity, but reading through you obtain the following information about the word “collective.” “Much has been said in general about the greater stupidity of a collective in comparison with an individual person without thorough analysis of all circumstances. First, one should not confuse street crowds united solely by their mood with other collectives. On the other hand, actions of an individual person often represent the fruit of long searches and efforts based on the synthesis of collective work, whereas a crowd is for the most part forced to make decisions that cannot be postponed for any length of time. At the same time, a crowd’s decision is the resultant force or, more precisely, the arithmetical mean, of the opinions of many people who make up the position of the crowd, so that when it is dominated by mediocrity its opinion will also be mediocre, but it has not all been proved that a crowd of intelligent people will produce an opinion that will be inferior to those expressed under the same conditions by each individual separately” (Bekhterev, page 251).
These quotes support the collective associative reflex theory. The information that they provide is feedback that may influence correlative activity if the ideas are spread. There are research articles on Vladimir Bekhterev, but these quotes summarize his collective reflexological model. It is a theory comparable to social psychology. The work uses highly figurative language. Fandoms or communities for this book may not exist, but instead there may be fans of the author himself because of the great contributions to science that he has made. Bekhterev was the rival of Pavlov, and the theories of conditional reflexes and associative reflexes are compatible with each other. “From our point of view, associative reflex theory also permits us to establish that personality is not after all the exclusive product of social interaction. In order to protect oneself from an attack by a wild animal it was enough to form an associative reflex between the animal’s roar and appearance on the one hand, and the possibility of its attack on the other. The only escape was based on individual experience—a reflex of defense. Neither of those owe their existence to social interaction, also social interaction does disseminate through imitation, useful individual experience. In order to satisfy his hunger with shellfish or bananas, a savage did not have to possess previous collective experience: all that was needed was an associative reflex—born of the frequent search for food necessitated by hunger--between the outward appearance of the shell or the fruit and the satisfaction of hunger. In this and similar cases we deal with individual experience that subsequently becomes universal and by itself cultivates personality--the more so since the latter is manifest among uncivilized peoples far more strongly than is generally supposed” (Bekhterev, page 24).

El-Bawab, Nadine. “What Can the Government Do to Stop or Slow Inflation?” ABC News, 17 Apr. 2022, Accessed 7 Feb. 2023. Article written by Nadine El-Bawab about information regarding inflation. Its historical context involves the year 2022 because that is the year when the article was released. It states that inflation rose 8.5% in March of that year compared to the prior 12 months to April of 2022. The article states that the 8.5% increase indicates the highest increase since 1981 according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index. High consumer demand met with low supply is what is argued to be what is driving inflation, but also the war in Ukraine is argued to be contributing; according to several economists and experts. The government is limited on intervening because of contexts related to social studies. Stimulus packages may not necessarily contribute to inflation because of the context of 7.5% inflation in Europe of this text’s historical context. Experts discussed in the text indicate that there is not much that the government can do, but that the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates.

Gillman, Max. “Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey.” Journal of Economic Methodology, vol. 29, no. 1, Mar. 2022, pp. 30–47. EBSCOhost, Asset pricing provides an alternative to Taylor interest rate rule (Gillman, page 2) while uncertainty provides Philips curve behavior in an exchange framework (Gillman, page 2). Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey is about Robert E. Lucas, Jr. towards the beginning of the text where it says that he a was professor at the University of Chicago. He was involved with specific topics according to the writer of Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey. Topics like asset pricing, and "price-theoretic foundations of aggregate supply and demand for output." Gillman who is the author Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey says that Lucas was wrong in his paper that he wrote in 1976: "Econometric policy evaluation: A critique" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman says that with the evidence of Phillips curves. Gillman describes the consumer or firm in Lucas' critique when he says the following statement. "The consumer or firm is posited to make decisions given fundamental parameters including policy parameters (such as the money supply growth rate)" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman then says that perhaps the behavioral parameters may change and there could be a policy change or even a regime change which will change things. “The alternative hypothesis of a long-run negatively sloped Phillips curve has long been a key issue dividing neoclassical and New Keynesian economics, with the latter using ‘secular stagnation’ theories based for example on the estimation of a 60-year long-term Phillips curve” (Gillman, page 2).

Jonathan Matt Gresham
Joined: 07/24/2023

On 24/02/14 06:46PM, Jonathan Matthew Gresham wrote:
> If collective decision-making is allowed to manage inflation through interpersonal communication then perhaps the Internet may grow more powerful. Power is held by decision-makers like Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve which is held accountable by Congress. People may describe wages as low and unemployment reduced but high to degree. Because of the diverse backgrounds of governments: international nongovernmental organizations compete against them. Examples of organizations of this regard include the W3C and the FSF. Based on research, average policy decisions can be resolved and reworked through programming neural or associative networks onto virtual dedicated servers with less human-like attributes applied to the relevant licenses like GPLv3 and actual proprietary licenses related to exchange values. Hefty hardware requirements of operating systems like Microsoft Windows must increase climate sensitivity more than software like OpenBSD and GNU/Linux. Using software such as OpenBSD and GNU/Linux on virtual private servers must give us the opportunity to manage inflation with them.
> Works Cited.
> Bekhterev, Vladimir. Collective Reflexology. Transaction Publishers, 2017. Inline citations are from the hard cover edition, and not from the eBook. It is a book by Russian scientist Vladimir Bekhterev written in 1921. The subject is Behavioral Sciences. Collective Reflexology is significant because the work contains statistical reasoning that might provide descriptive analysis and information for topics like sociology, social studies, social psychology, journalism, and the study and research into globalization; it may also approach the context of mental health from its objectivist standpoint. It is also significant because it behaviorally takes critical thinking to a new level. “Writing is another proof that the human personality evolves under the influence of society. It allows the results of individual experience to be widely circulated in the collective as well as to be recorded for the future and preserved for posterity. It will be no exaggeration to state that writing transformed man into an historical being” (Bekhterev, page 22).
> At first glance, this claim seems to lack clarity, but reading through you obtain the following information about the word “collective.” “Much has been said in general about the greater stupidity of a collective in comparison with an individual person without thorough analysis of all circumstances. First, one should not confuse street crowds united solely by their mood with other collectives. On the other hand, actions of an individual person often represent the fruit of long searches and efforts based on the synthesis of collective work, whereas a crowd is for the most part forced to make decisions that cannot be postponed for any length of time. At the same time, a crowd’s decision is the resultant force or, more precisely, the arithmetical mean, of the opinions of many people who make up the position of the crowd, so that when it is dominated by mediocrity its opinion will also be mediocre, but it has not all been proved that a crowd of intelligent people will produce an opinion that will be inferior to those expressed under the same conditions by each individual separately” (Bekhterev, page 251).
> These quotes support the collective associative reflex theory. The information that they provide is feedback that may influence correlative activity if the ideas are spread. There are research articles on Vladimir Bekhterev, but these quotes summarize his collective reflexological model. It is a theory comparable to social psychology. The work uses highly figurative language. Fandoms or communities for this book may not exist, but instead there may be fans of the author himself because of the great contributions to science that he has made. Bekhterev was the rival of Pavlov, and the theories of conditional reflexes and associative reflexes are compatible with each other. “From our point of view, associative reflex theory also permits us to establish that personality is not after all the exclusive product of social interaction. In order to protect oneself from an attack by a wild animal it was enough to form an associative reflex between the animal’s roar and appearance on the one hand, and the possibility of its attack on the other. The only escape was based on individual experience—a reflex of defense. Neither of those owe their existence to social interaction, also social interaction does disseminate through imitation, useful individual experience. In order to satisfy his hunger with shellfish or bananas, a savage did not have to possess previous collective experience: all that was needed was an associative reflex—born of the frequent search for food necessitated by hunger--between the outward appearance of the shell or the fruit and the satisfaction of hunger. In this and similar cases we deal with individual experience that subsequently becomes universal and by itself cultivates personality--the more so since the latter is manifest among uncivilized peoples far more strongly than is generally supposed” (Bekhterev, page 24).
> El-Bawab, Nadine. “What Can the Government Do to Stop or Slow Inflation?” ABC News, 17 Apr. 2022,
> Accessed 7 Feb. 2023. Article written by Nadine El-Bawab about information regarding inflation. Its historical context involves the year 2022 because that is the year when the article was released. It states that inflation rose 8.5% in March of that year compared to the prior 12 months to April of 2022. The article states that the 8.5% increase indicates the highest increase since 1981 according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index. High consumer demand met with low supply is what is argued to be what is driving inflation, but also the war in Ukraine is argued to be contributing; according to several economists and experts. The government is limited on intervening because of contexts related to social studies. Stimulus packages may not necessarily contribute to inflation because of the context of 7.5% inflation in Europe of this text’s historical context. Experts discussed in the text indicate that there is not much that the government can do, but that the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates.
> Gillman, Max. “Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey.” Journal of Economic Methodology, vol. 29, no. 1, Mar. 2022, pp. 30–47. EBSCOhost, Asset pricing provides an alternative to Taylor interest rate rule (Gillman, page 2) while uncertainty provides Philips curve behavior in an exchange framework (Gillman, page 2). Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey is about Robert E. Lucas, Jr. towards the beginning of the text where it says that he a was professor at the University of Chicago. He was involved with specific topics according to the writer of Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey. Topics like asset pricing, and "price-theoretic foundations of aggregate supply and demand for output." Gillman who is the author Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey says that Lucas was wrong in his paper that he wrote in 1976: "Econometric policy evaluation: A critique" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman says that with the evidence of Phillips curves. Gillman describes the consumer or firm in Lucas' critique when he says the following statement. "The consumer or firm is posited to make decisions given fundamental parameters including policy parameters (such as the money supply growth rate)" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman then says that perhaps the behavioral parameters may change and there could be a policy change or even a regime change which will change things. “The alternative hypothesis of a long-run negatively sloped Phillips curve has long been a key issue dividing neoclassical and New Keynesian economics, with the latter using ‘secular stagnation’ theories based for example on the estimation of a 60-year long-term Phillips curve” (Gillman, page 2).
Works Cited contd.

“Front Page — Free Software Foundation — Working Together for Free Software.”,
“Linux Foundation - Decentralized Innovation, Built with Trust.” Linux Foundation,
“The GNU Operating System
- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation.”, 2014,

Jonathan Matt Gresham
Joined: 07/24/2023

On 24/02/14 09:37PM, Jonathan Matthew Gresham wrote:
> On 24/02/14 06:46PM, Jonathan Matthew Gresham wrote:
> > If collective decision-making is allowed to manage inflation through interpersonal communication then perhaps the Internet may grow more powerful. Power is held by decision-makers like Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve which is held accountable by Congress. People may describe wages as low and unemployment reduced but high to degree. Because of the diverse backgrounds of governments: international nongovernmental organizations compete against them. Examples of organizations of this regard include the W3C and the FSF. Based on research, average policy decisions can be resolved and reworked through programming neural or associative networks onto virtual dedicated servers with less human-like attributes applied to the relevant licenses like GPLv3 and actual proprietary licenses related to exchange values. Hefty hardware requirements of operating systems like Microsoft Windows must increase climate sensitivity more than software like OpenBSD and GNU/Linux. Using software such as OpenBSD and GNU/Linux on virtual private servers must give us the opportunity to manage inflation with them.
> >
> > Works Cited.
> > Bekhterev, Vladimir. Collective Reflexology. Transaction Publishers, 2017. Inline citations are from the hard cover edition, and not from the eBook. It is a book by Russian scientist Vladimir Bekhterev written in 1921. The subject is Behavioral Sciences. Collective Reflexology is significant because the work contains statistical reasoning that might provide descriptive analysis and information for topics like sociology, social studies, social psychology, journalism, and the study and research into globalization; it may also approach the context of mental health from its objectivist standpoint. It is also significant because it behaviorally takes critical thinking to a new level. “Writing is another proof that the human personality evolves under the influence of society. It allows the results of individual experience to be widely circulated in the collective as well as to be recorded for the future and preserved for posterity. It will be no exaggeration to state that writing transformed man into an historical being” (Bekhterev, page 22).
> > At first glance, this claim seems to lack clarity, but reading through you obtain the following information about the word “collective.” “Much has been said in general about the greater stupidity of a collective in comparison with an individual person without thorough analysis of all circumstances. First, one should not confuse street crowds united solely by their mood with other collectives. On the other hand, actions of an individual person often represent the fruit of long searches and efforts based on the synthesis of collective work, whereas a crowd is for the most part forced to make decisions that cannot be postponed for any length of time. At the same time, a crowd’s decision is the resultant force or, more precisely, the arithmetical mean, of the opinions of many people who make up the position of the crowd, so that when it is dominated by mediocrity its opinion will also be mediocre, but it has not all been proved that a crowd of intelligent people will produce an opinion that will be inferior to those expressed under the same conditions by each individual separately” (Bekhterev, page 251).
> > These quotes support the collective associative reflex theory. The information that they provide is feedback that may influence correlative activity if the ideas are spread. There are research articles on Vladimir Bekhterev, but these quotes summarize his collective reflexological model. It is a theory comparable to social psychology. The work uses highly figurative language. Fandoms or communities for this book may not exist, but instead there may be fans of the author himself because of the great contributions to science that he has made. Bekhterev was the rival of Pavlov, and the theories of conditional reflexes and associative reflexes are compatible with each other. “From our point of view, associative reflex theory also permits us to establish that personality is not after all the exclusive product of social interaction. In order to protect oneself from an attack by a wild animal it was enough to form an associative reflex between the animal’s roar and appearance on the one hand, and the possibility of its attack on the other. The only escape was based on individual experience—a reflex of defense. Neither of those owe their existence to social interaction, also social interaction does disseminate through imitation, useful individual experience. In order to satisfy his hunger with shellfish or bananas, a savage did not have to possess previous collective experience: all that was needed was an associative reflex—born of the frequent search for food necessitated by hunger--between the outward appearance of the shell or the fruit and the satisfaction of hunger. In this and similar cases we deal with individual experience that subsequently becomes universal and by itself cultivates personality--the more so since the latter is manifest among uncivilized peoples far more strongly than is generally supposed” (Bekhterev, page 24).
> >
> > El-Bawab, Nadine. “What Can the Government Do to Stop or Slow Inflation?” ABC News, 17 Apr. 2022,
> > Accessed 7 Feb. 2023. Article written by Nadine El-Bawab about information regarding inflation. Its historical context involves the year 2022 because that is the year when the article was released. It states that inflation rose 8.5% in March of that year compared to the prior 12 months to April of 2022. The article states that the 8.5% increase indicates the highest increase since 1981 according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index. High consumer demand met with low supply is what is argued to be what is driving inflation, but also the war in Ukraine is argued to be contributing; according to several economists and experts. The government is limited on intervening because of contexts related to social studies. Stimulus packages may not necessarily contribute to inflation because of the context of 7.5% inflation in Europe of this text’s historical context. Experts discussed in the text indicate that there is not much that the government can do, but that the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates.
> >
> > Gillman, Max. “Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey.” Journal of Economic Methodology, vol. 29, no. 1, Mar. 2022, pp. 30–47. EBSCOhost, Asset pricing provides an alternative to Taylor interest rate rule (Gillman, page 2) while uncertainty provides Philips curve behavior in an exchange framework (Gillman, page 2). Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey is about Robert E. Lucas, Jr. towards the beginning of the text where it says that he a was professor at the University of Chicago. He was involved with specific topics according to the writer of Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey. Topics like asset pricing, and "price-theoretic foundations of aggregate supply and demand for output." Gillman who is the author Lucas’s Methodological Divide in Inflation Theory: A Student’s Journey says that Lucas was wrong in his paper that he wrote in 1976: "Econometric policy evaluation: A critique" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman says that with the evidence of Phillips curves. Gillman describes the consumer or firm in Lucas' critique when he says the following statement. "The consumer or firm is posited to make decisions given fundamental parameters including policy parameters (such as the money supply growth rate)" (Gillman, page 2). Gillman then says that perhaps the behavioral parameters may change and there could be a policy change or even a regime change which will change things. “The alternative hypothesis of a long-run negatively sloped Phillips curve has long been a key issue dividing neoclassical and New Keynesian economics, with the latter using ‘secular stagnation’ theories based for example on the estimation of a 60-year long-term Phillips curve” (Gillman, page 2).
> Works Cited contd.
> “Front Page — Free Software Foundation — Working Together for Free Software.”,
> “Linux Foundation - Decentralized Innovation, Built with Trust.” Linux Foundation,
> “OpenBSD.”,
> “The GNU Operating System
> - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation.”, 2014,
W3C. “World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).”, 2023,

While my writing is not perfect, hopefully you all understand that I am interested in what ecofriendly software that is preferably free software could
do in the realm of managing inflation on virtual dedicated servers.