Manual about KODI / media center

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Joined: 02/18/2016

On the 'Alle manuals' page under 'Media' I think there should be an entrance called 'Media center', under which there should be an entrance called 'Kodi'. I was actually in the middle of doing it, but got second thought about what is the 'right' way to do it. I would like advice on this, and then I'll add it (if not down-voted).

Kodi seems to work out-of-th-box except for video acceleration:

If you encounter the issue that the display is just dark, but you can hear sound and see a line indicating marked menu entries, this may solve the problem:

Under videos -> settings, VAAPI should be disabled.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

Go ahead! :-)

Joined: 02/18/2016

I have just added some recommendations for making Kodi media player work.