messed up something

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Joined: 09/20/2012

Hello, I recently moved from ubuntu and installed dagda, then brigantia, and first of all: a big THANK YOU to the developers of trisquel.

In this post, I ask for help because I think I messed up something.

The AUCTeX extension of emacs wasn't running properly, and I found out it had to do with some local configuration files.

So what I did was the following:
- removed all emacs packages (emacs, emacs23, emacsen etc.) using synaptic
- searched for all directories or files that remained after that, having "emacs" in their names.
- deleted most of them via terminal "sudo rm -r -I FILE/DIRECTORY"
- reinstalled emacs via synaptic.

I probably acted like a greenhorn.

Anyway, the re-install went ok, emacs is running (ACTeX not yet, but thats not an issue here). The install, however, gave me an error message.

sudo apt-get install emacs renders what I have attached in "emacs.txt"

synaptic says:

package "emacs" properties-> dependecies:
"requires: emacs23 | emacs23-lucid | emacs23 nox"

package "emacs23", properties -> dependencies:
"requires [long list of packages];
in conflict with: /emacs23-gtk/;
in conflict with: emacs-lucid;
in conflict with: emacs-nox;
replaces: /emacs23-gtk/;
replaces: emacs-lucid;
replaces: emacs-nox"

Here my questions: Is this a serious error that might make emacs crash in the future? I mean, it's my main editor I use, and for my dissertation, too. And, if it is serious, how can I fix it?

I'll be grateful for any help.

Best regards

emacs.txt2.22 KB

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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

It may be a problem with the emacs metapackage.

Either try:
#with with GTK+ user interface
sudo apt-get install emacs23
#without X support
sudo apt-get install emacs23-nox

I am a member!

Joined: 09/20/2012

Thanks very much for your swift reply!! on-the-fly, wow!

I found the error, however, when I re-read the error message: emacs and emacs23 were expecting a directory used by/for PSPP, as the pspp package was still installed. So what I did was: uninstall "pspp", re-install "emacs" and "emacs23". Now there is no error message anymore. The dependencies conflict in synaptics remained, also after I removed "emacs".

So I think the issue is solved, or would you bother about the conflicts?

Thanks again!


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I am a translator!

Joined: 07/27/2010

You know what, I'm of the opinion that if it works just go with it. But that is just personal choice. Sorry your log was a tad hard to read consider I don't speak that language (german?). Either way glad the issue is fixed.


I am a member!

Joined: 09/20/2012

Thank you, SirGrant.

Yes, it was German and I knew somebody might not understand, sorry.

I will leave it as is, because I think that as long as I haven't installed any of those packages "emacs23" is in conflict with, everything should be fine. And Emacs works, that's the main point.