mpsyt sends all data to a third-party
Thanks. I didn't know mps-youtube was a thing.
And welcome back. Not sure if you ever left but it's been a long time.
youtube-viewer is an alternative. Like mps-youtube, it has a cli for searching YouTube and playing videos. It also has a graphical frontend, gtk-youtube-viewer.
It uses youtube-dl as its back-end for accessing the videos. youtube-dl sometimes executes proprietary JavaScript to access videos that require it. avideo is a fork that fixes this freedom issue. Installing avideo makes "youtube-dl" point to avideo, so youtube-viewer will instead use avideo as its back-end and no longer stream videos that require proprietary software to do so.

mpsyt has stopped working for me for some reason a couple of months ago :/
Just finished compiling yt-viewer, amazing, +1
How does one install gtk-youtube-viewer on Trisquel?
On the link you provided Ubuntu users are advised to run
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
but no further instructions on how to actually install the program.
Am I missing something?:/
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install youtube-viewer
The 'youtube-viewer' package contains both youtube-viewer and gtk-youtube-viewer.