Mullvad VPN tray icon disappeared

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Joined: 09/24/2020

Hello- My Mullvad tray icon disappeared after the most recent Mullvad update. (I am still running Nabia 10.0.1.)

Mullvad support says: "What Gnome tray icon extension are you using? Try with another one. Have you installed libappindicator3-1?"

I see that libappindicator3-1 is installed, but it looks like Mate indicators are used instead of Gnome. But I'm no expert. Is there another Gnome tray icon I can try? I don't want to cause a problem with Trisquel.

Will updating to Trisquel 11 change the indicators? If so, I don't want to bother Mullvad with this issue. The VPN is working fine. Thanks.

Joined: 08/29/2016

I have the same problem.


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Joined: 07/15/2009

I guess you could try a VM with trisquel 11.0 and see if the icons are working fine there.

The default trisquel uses Mate, maybe you require to install some gnome-ish library for them to work correctly, but you don't mention what is you DE.

Why would you bother a service provider (you might likely pay) if you find issues on the latest update?
Doesn't that count as customer service?

Maybe you'll like to ask where is the documentation and check what could be missing.


Joined: 09/24/2020

I have pinged Mullvad and asked if it is possible to revert to the prior version until the broken update is fixed. Will post the reply. Thanks.

Joined: 09/24/2020

Mullvad replied that they are investigating this issue.
Please see github thread: