My system has been annoyingly lagging ever since I encrypted my system.
Before this, my system would ask for root password every time I would do a "sudo" task - which was weird because I don't remember setting up a root password at installation. I believe I was intercepted or cracked, I don't know, it's possible. I then decided to encrypt my system (I pretty much selected the encryption options in set up - also the login), but ever since. my system has been lagging, it's annoying. Especially when I'm typing. There's a lot of delays and stuff. Is the encryption the reason why my system is like this?
Help! :(
If it's what I'm thinking, then this is a known bug in Ubuntu and Trisquel, related to the swap partition. Perhaps someone here in the forums knows a fix?
I was having the same problem in Ubuntu before switching to Trisquel. When I installed Trisquel I deliberately didn't encrypt because of this bug.
Ah, so it's a bug then?
'sudo' asks for the user's password (not root's). It is its normal behavior.
As for the swap partition, did you set one up (or keep the default install)? If so, show us the output of 'grep swap /etc/fstab' (if there is any output).
When I encrypted my /home partition the swap partition was gone.. The solution is:
- install gparted and open gparted
- format the swap partition to swap and take note of its UUID
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
- remove the comment # from the swap line and subtitute the UUID with the newly formated one and the /dev/cryptswap with /dev/sda* (in gparted you'll find the number with witch you replace * (mine was 5 or 6 -> /dev/sda6)
sudo update-grub
- restart the pc
I haven't read through your comments but my system is ok. Perhaps encrypted disk kinda takes time at start of using it because of the encryption. But yeah, my system now is fine! Thanks! How was LP guys?