Need a daily reminder

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Joined: 07/17/2013

Hey guys,

I am looking for a program that will come up everytime I turn the pc on and like... about an hour or so after, that will remind me of stuff to do. I am extremely forgetful and want a program to help me with that. HOWEVER most programs ask me to set up not only the date and also the time. I don't always turn the pc on at the same time, so I need it to be "day based" and not "hour based". Any suggestions?


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Joined: 10/31/2014

I believe this one package might prove useful, although it does require some fiddling to set it to remind you each hour say, but you should manage to do it.

sudo apt install remind

Magic Banana

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You can "Add" to the "Startup Applications" (in the "System Settings") a "Command" that start with 'sleep 1h &&'. For example, if you want GEdit to show your TODO text file (I assume here it is "todo.txt" in your home folder) one hour after you logged into the graphical session:
sleep 1h && gedit ~/todo.txt


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Joined: 01/11/2011

You can add Magic Banana's command to your cron jobs so it works on startup.

First you need to install the cron package. Cron uses vim. If you prefer a different editor just run this command (replace the editor by your preferred editor):

export EDITOR=gedit

Then run the following command:

crontab -e

And add to the file this line:

@reboot sleep 1h && gedit ~/todo.txt

cron has several advantages compared to Magic Banana's method - you can run programmes as root on startup without needing to enter a password if you run the crontab command as a root user (this isn't necessary in your case but it is if you wish to run software such as network-manager after logging in) and also it works regardless of the desktop you are using.

Note that also SuperTramp83's method requires using cron, if you wish to run remind on a regular basis.

Magic Banana

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To execute graphical application, such as GEdit, the DISPLAY variable must be specified in the crontab:


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Joined: 01/11/2011

Thanks (I've never actually run graphic applications via cron - just command line ones - so I didn't know you needed to add something for graphic applications to work), so I'm guessing the command to run needs to be something like this, right?

@reboot sleep 1h && export DISPLAY=:0 && gedit ~/todo.txt"

Magic Banana

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Right. The definition of the DISPLAY variable can be before in the crontab so that there is no need to define it for each command.

Joined: 07/17/2013

Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the replies.
So, I think I will go with the solution Magic Banana posted, but I will use a spreadsheet file instead of a text file.
Is it possible to, using LibreOffice, have a sheet with dates and events, and another sheet that only shows the dates and events pertaining the current day? Any simple tutorial on Calc will be greatly appreciated :)


Joined: 07/17/2013

Well, after a little search I found a LO Calc file that already had some of the work done for a birthday reminder. It's not perfect but I will use it for now.

As a side note, the command Magic Banana suggested didn't exactly work... I had to get rid of the "sleep" command. I tried "sleep 1m" since I wanted it to just take a minute to show the file and it wouldn't open the file. I decided to just have it opening at startup, and it works with "localc ~/file.ods"

Magic Banana

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Hmmm... I do not know why that does not work. Weirdly enough, it works if you write 'sleep 1m && gedit todo.txt' in an executable file and choose that file as the "Command" in the "Startup Applications".


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Joined: 01/11/2011

I think the command will work if you add the terminal programme beforehand, something like "gnome-terminal -e gedit".

Magic Banana

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Using 'sleep 1m && gnome-terminal -e gedit' as the command in the "Startup Applications" does not work: 'sleep' executes for a minute but GEdit is not launched afterwards). Simply 'gedit' works. "Startup Applications" apparently has troubles with "&&". The fix I proposed (write everything in an executable file and choose the file as the "Command") is simple and works.


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Joined: 01/11/2011

Putting everything inside the gnome-terminal command should work though - something like this:

gnome-terminal -e "sleep 1m && gedit file"

Joined: 07/17/2013

Why can't I upvote a comment? Tried to upvote some and it won't work in this thread :(

Magic Banana

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I have just successfully up-voted aloniv's post. Are you sure you can up-vote in other threads? If not, it must deal with your Web browser settings or with some add-on.


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Joined: 01/11/2011

Incidentally, I can't find the upvote button either (I never used this function so I have no idea how it works) - I'd gladly return the favor and upvote Magic Banana :)

Joined: 03/08/2012

- i3-wm
exec sleep 5m && xterm -e calcurse
exec sleep 5m && xterm -e nano ~/.daily_reminder.txt

- openbox wm
sleep 5m && xterm -e calcurse &
sleep 5m && xterm -e nano ~/.daily_reminder.txt &