New article about usability

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Joined: 09/29/2009

Hello, everybody. I write articles about computing and I just published my fourth article in English on my website. You can find them here:

Articles section:

Searching for usability: Seven window managers for Ubuntu (2012)

Replicant versus PureOS (2022)

Replicant versus Android (2022)

The rise and fall of usability (2023)

As for this new article, The rise and fall of usability, it deals with the following subjects:
-Usability and its history.
-List of usability issues.
-List of usability losses.
-Analysis of usability trends.

The article disregards the matter of the freedom of software, but cares a lot for limitations imposed on users. GNU/Linux is mentioned once, as is Replicant. I considered including GNOME 3 amongst the list of usability losses, but discarded it at the end.

I know the website's design looks old - it is literally over twenty years old. If you find it hard to read the article with this design, you have a link to the PDF version at the beginning.

Kind regards,
Ignacio Agulló.

Sunny Day
Joined: 01/05/2023

Wow! This is a big WOW!

I've just started reading your articles and had to pause to thank you! I feel lucky to have found your post and links!

For starters, I've been wondering about solutions for mobile for a good while (my phone is off 99% of the time now), but wasn't sure were to look for reliable information that I could trust and be able to put into practice. Thanks to your articles on Replicant I feel like the answer found me :)... Thank you also for writing about it so clearly and for adding a link to install it!

I am curious to read "The rise and fall of usability", will do that next!