New Linux Foundation vid made me LOL

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Joined: 05/15/2011

The video is about Linux and Android, but the video itself looks like it is showcased in a browser on Mac OSX. If they loved Linux so much, why couldn't they have actually used a web browser from a distro?? I mean... they talk about OpenSuSE and Ubuntu and the least they could have done was have Firefox from one of those distros instead. Are they that ashamed of Gnome 3, Unity, XFCE, KDE, or LXDE?

I'm guessing they hired a "design firm" who did screen grabs and editing on their Macs to create it. I thought the Linux Foundation was supposed to be an example of openness and moving FLOSS forward. Now they just come off as cliche with Linus leading the way.


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Joined: 04/23/2011

The Linux Foundation is mainly business oriented. They hold LinuxCon for instance every year which is 99.999% business. Tickets are something like $500 USD (though they do hold a great event). Of all the people in attendance though there are maybe 5-10 people who aren't there for commercial reasons. The Linux Foundation did put out a mini summit for end-users I believe. I got the announcement although never went. I believe it was an “invite only” event and you had to request an invitation. It was near me (even in NJ) once although I didn't go. I don't know if it is going to be a regular thing or not.

There are many events held by other groups which are more user-oriented.

Joined: 03/26/2011

Linux is only kernel. For they don't matter web browser, interface, nothing. The kernel is success and running in many gadgets, operating system(like GNU) and others. Not more.

Is very bad when say "Linux applications" for reference for VLC, Amarok, Firefox, GNOME and all free softwares. I hate this.

The Linux Foundation hinders further by not explain it.

Joined: 09/14/2012

You know what makes me sad ? Is that in the beginning the Gnu/Linux ecosystem was created like the informatics itself. Something open that will remain open to study, modify and distribute.

But then the same started to happen in both camps, the convenience start to gain weight between those that didn't want to lose a few minutes searching, caring or even simply knowing about. And closed solutions started to appear in the name of "Just Working". And people let it pass.

Nowadays we have just a few "fighters" that still believe in the original world created around, and for those wonderful tools that we use everyday.

And I am mostly happy when I see posts like the ones about PRIME support for the Linux Kernel (for the Optimus nVidia solutions) not supporting the nVidia blobs since it requires a GPL licensed driver, and then you see a lot of people saying that they are stupid on not letting nVidia to use their blob because blaba performance blabla it works and nouveau's not. But then you have the developers of this solution continuing to say NO and NO, and because of this we start to see informations like this one : --> NVIDIA Publishes Open-Source 2D Driver Code.

Just wanted to say this.


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Joined: 04/23/2011

That may be although I think they are actually referring to the greater operating system GNU/Linux/etc. I'm sure you know that though.

Joined: 05/15/2011

The Linux Foundation gets the big donations from huge companies and I am guessing the donations per year is bigger than the FSF because of those types of companies it attracts. Companies that wouldn't donate to the FSF ever.

Is it more popular donation wise because these 3rd party companies have bigger motives that probably involve integreating their proprietary code into the ecosystem or leverage the ecosystem for their proprietary motives? That's probably why companies like Dell, Panasonic, Samsung, Citrix, VM Ware, and Cisco are funding the foundation.


I am a member!

Joined: 04/23/2011

They certainly are. HP alone donates more to the Linux Foundation each and every year than all of the money raised by the Free Software Foundation this year. They have multiple other companies donating similar amounts. To give people an idea of how much the Linux Foundation is pulling in jut HP donated $500,000 USD (this year).