Next LibreVR Stream on April 1st
On Monday April 1st, I will present a project that I am working on: A libre sensor board that features a Lattice ICE40 FPGA and a Raspberry Pi RP2040. I will use that sensor board as part of a VR Headset that I am currently working on, one that works with libsurvive as a SteamVR replacement. I have the Respects Your Freedom Certification in mind and introduce my project at the end of my LibrePlanet talk: Gaming on a Talos II: How I avoid using Steam
I still don't understand the craze with virtual reality though... whether free or non-free, that will probably hurt your eyes 100x more than the newer consoles, let alone the laptops most people use that don't require non-free software.
But you do you
EDIT: seems I missed a typo...
I meant that "let alone laptops most people use that do require non-free software..."
Where will the live stream be?
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the talk! ^^
18:00 to 19:00 Berlin Time at
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archived streams are at