non-compliance with account's language setting

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/12/2014

My preferred language is English. I was about to create a forum topic but the page "Home » Create content" is not all in English.

Screenshot from 2014-12-13 01:51:22.png449.64 KB
Joined: 09/13/2010

To ensure proper handling and disposition, this would probably be better reported as a bug instead of on the forums. :)

Joined: 12/12/2014

I noticed there are several communication channels I can use through this account. I explored this site and could not find anything about what their respective uses are except that I could use some of them to ask for help. Since I was a newcomer, I used one of those because they were the only ones I was told that I was welcome to use. I used the forums because I was familiar with it.
I think the forums are for discussion. I believe everything should be though out before expressing certainty. If one is unsure, he or she should consult those with more knowledge. The forums are excellent for this and I just did that. In fact, I got a reply that a bug report was already filed.
I am not knowledgeable about computers. I do not understand what are asked on the bug report form.
In my opinion, meta-discussion and off-topic conversation should be separate. I would not put this message here if you had allowed a "contact" button to be shown on your profile or I had understood how to send an e-mail to you by reading the instructions on your personal site.
Since I have the impression that you have much power over this site, I want you to take the next step to provide a site guideline that is clear to those without any knowledge. It should state the respective uses of the various communication channels, how to be sure if a topic is already created or a bug already reported, and what to do if one cannot be sure.

Joined: 05/13/2010

These are mentioned in