[offtopic] SoylentNews (RIP /.)

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Joined: 05/13/2010

The once mighty Slashdot has fallen. Acquired by Dice and run aground for good. The current beta was the last straw, in a long series of poor decisions.

/. existed since 1997 and was a site which slogan used to be "news for nerds, things that matter". It was a "home" for many internet old timers and the discussion or at least atmosphere was generally fairly free software centered and supportive.

The horrible beta user interface which mauled the very heart of the site, the discussion system, made an old guard vanguard to call for Slashcott 10-17 Feb. This was carried out.

And now a replacement has sprung up. http://soylentnews.org/

Also see http://wiki.soylentnews.org/ for the development and short history of the new site and #altslashdot IRC chan on freenode.net for general banter. SoylentNews is still in a fairly fluid state and under development. If you enjoyed /. in its heyday, you might want to check this out.


I am a translator!

Joined: 01/11/2011

You can still view the old slashdot. Just go to