OpenStreetMap online services alternate to nonfree Google My Maps?
I need to ask for few OpenStreetMap online services, esp for routing and sketching, so I can leave nonfree Google My Maps, hence consider to freeze even to remove my all Google accounts, which I now use Disroot mail by default.
For Linux/FreeBSD desktops I always have Marble for these tasks but I don’t have ideas for OpenStreetMap online services for the same.
I'm using "OsmAnd+" from F-droid on phone. There are certain "anti-features" listed in F-droid. Desktop version should be better. Just be sure to periodically download offline map packages.
I once registered a Google account when I was outside China, but immediately annulled it. Because I still couldn't install Google Play apps on my Chinese version phone. I was invariably forcibly redirected to the Chinese apps store.
I then revoked my Google account (only lived for ten minutes or so) and subsequently trashed everything came with my phone including the Chinese apps store.
For desktop I already run Marble (rolling OSes and Hyperbola only) and for F-droid already OsmAnd.
So I’m here asking for HTML5 OpenStreetMap clients, i.e. web-apps that are run on a desktop web browser.
What's wrong with
I find that it doesn't work very well. It frequently can't find streets. gnome-maps works better in my experience. gnome-maps would be perfect if it could work offline.
Marble can work offline, but the interface is confusing, and it seems to only give directions from city to city. It can't give you directions to a specific address like gnome-maps and can.
Marble still has a feature for car routings with middle addresses, only offers this when you're logged on.
Thanks chaosmonk, I'll try gnome-maps.
Marble has multi-points routing but just has departure and destination, if not logged into my OpenStreetMap account., I just have these days fully quit nonfree Google My maps using this. That’s obviously an OSM service. :)
Does anyone here know any details about the anti-features of the OsmAnd+ app?
Is the app considered free? Or does the anti-features make it non-free? Or is it so that the app is considered free if it used in a specific way?
According to :
* NonFreeAssets - Artwork and layouts are under a non-commercial license.
* NonFreeNet - May download images from nonfree Mapillary online service
* NonFreeAdd - Proposes to download a proprietary app (Mapillary) from Google Play Store to add photos to their service
I downloaded an app from F-Droid simply called 'Maps', which I've found very useful:
It's based on a service called, and has no anti-features listed in F-Droid, although I just opened it and it offered to help me book a hotel, which seems a little bit ad-like. It's very simple, but it does allow downloading of maps for offline use, and it can help me identify where I am on those maps using either GPS or network locations (not sure how this works but I've noticed it does). It has a very simple route planning tool, which depends on being able to find your destination in its directory, but I am able to type only "subway" and it quickly offers me the nearest subway station to my location.