OwnCloud and Trisquel
I got OwnCloud working on my server service. I would like to identify particular files on my laptop, so that I can edit them with OwnCloud (-->LibreOffice) on my phone.
For Trisquel, will OwnCloud work properly with Trisquel Mini 7, or should I use standard Trisquel 7? Will the new Trisquel work with OwnCloud? I don't know whether lxde, gnome, or mate will make any difference in whether OwnCloud works properly.
The default system (Trisquel 7, Trisquel Mini 7 or the NetInstall) or the desktop environment (GNOME, MATE, LXDE, etc.) should not make a difference: the repository is the same, i.e., the same packages in the same version are available for installation.
Notice that most of the developers who used to work on ownCloud now work on Nextcloud, a fork. This should be useful: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/11/admin_manual/installation/index.html
A maybe easier way to go is to install the Debian-based distribution named YunoHost (do not enable contrib and nonfree of course): https://yunohost.org
One of the available "app" in YunoHost is ownCloud.