pcmanfm "edit as root"
I am working with Trisquel Mini.
I miss the "Edit as root" function in pcmanfm and would like to create it. I found some information on other forums, but none worked.
Does anyone have a solution so that I get an option "Edit as root" in the context menu?
Thanks very much!
Perhaps the line
Exec=gksudo mousepad %f
can be replaced with
Exec=pkexec mousepad %f
No, unfortunately it has no effect. In the context menu I have the option "Edit as root", but when I click it nothing happens. The file is called root.desktop and is in /home/trisquel/.local/share/file-manager/actions.
Permissions is:
View content: anyone
Change content: Only owner
Execute: anyone
Desktop entry:
Command: "empty field"
The rest is also all empty.
File content is:
[Desktop Entry]
Type = Action
Name = Edit as root
Icon = dialog-password
Profiles = profile-zero;
[X-Action-Profile profile-zero]
MimeTypes = text / *; application / *;
Exec = gksudo pcmanfm % f
Name = default profile
or: Exec = pkexec pcmanfm % f
Shouldn't "gksudo pcmanfm % f" be "gksudo % f" (where is "mousepad" or whatever text editor you have installed)?
Yes you are right, there must be leafpad :-)
But unfortunately it doesn't work even then. Not even the password is requested. Nothing happens.
I will pass my custom actions from Thunar (/home/$USER/.config/Thunar/uca.xml), and hope it helps you a bit:
EDIT: well, somehow the xml code is absolutelly broken here, so I add a file in txt.
<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
Abrir un terminal aquí
exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator
Ejemplo de una acción personalizada
Extraer aqui
tar xjf %n
Extraer aqui
unzip %f
tar czvf %n.tar.gz %n
Abrir terminal aqui como root
sudo exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator
Crear enlace simbolico
ln -s %f “%n (symlink)”
Editar como superusuario
sudo leafpad %f
Extraer aqui
tar -xvzf %n
Abrir carpeta como root
sudo thunar %f
Instalar paquete
xfce4-terminal --command='sh -c "if sudo /sbin/installpkg %n | grep installed; then sleep 5&& exit; else echo Package install FAILED; fi"'
Compilar programa
xfce4-terminal --command="sudo ./%n" --hold
Extraer aqui
tar -xJf %n
Extraer aqui
tar xvzf %n
Suma de verificación
gtkhash %n
Obtener codigo criptográfico
Ejecutar en terminal
xfce4-terminal -x ./%n
Ejecutar un script en una terminal
Extraer aqui
tar --lzip -xvf %n
Reproducir con XMMS
xmms %F
Reproduzca archivos de audio
De mayusculas a minusculas
for file in %N; do mv "$file" "$(echo "$file" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"; done
Sustituye los nombres de archivos que contienen mayusculas y las transforma a minusculas
Reducir el color a 8 bits
for file in %F; do pngnq -s1 "$file" -e -8bits.png; done
Reduce el color de un archivo de imagen a 8 bits
Comprimir con p7zip
p7zipForFilemanager ad -t7z %F
Attachment | Size |
uca.txt | 6.55 KB |
Gracias :-)
Why "% f" and not "%f"? Is that correct? At least in xfce it's always "%something", without space. From where you get that space?
I think it is coming from copy/paste here in the forum, as there is no "code-function" to post. Should be %f.
Well, I did some more practice, but it didn't work. Then I googled why pcmanfm doesn't have the "edit as root" function. Apparently there are people who have no greater problem than "protecting" other people from taking a "dangerous" action. Which then leads to other people opening pcmanfm using the terminal as root, which is then "less dangerous"? At least if you consider it dangerous if you accidentally delete a file and then have to reinstall your Linux distribution. Yes, dangers lurk everywhere :-)
I have now installed Nautilus, there the risk seems to be less, because it has the function "edit as root". Bad luck for the creators of pcmanfm that they are not alone in the world and that there are other people who are less fearful.
But if someone knows the solution with pcmanfm ... I haven't uninstalled it yet :-)
Something like this may work, create a .desktop file under ~/.local/share/applications/
Add the following to the file ~/.local/share/applications/editasroot.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Edit As Root
Comment=Edit As Root
X-GNOME-FullName=Edit As Root
Exec=sudo mousepad %u
Right click on a text file, choose open with then select system tools, and pick edit as root, from now on it should be an option when you right click on text files. There's a command sudoedit which opens a terminal text editor more safely as non-root but then saves it as root, not aware of a graphical text editor way to do this, but this should be a workaround one may want to consider if it suits his or her needs? Replace mousepad, with the text editor of choice. Also, one could try changing the line Terminal=true to Terminal=false and Exec=sudo mousepad %u to Exec=pkexec mousepad %u, but pkexec can be weird, I guess, at least from my experiences. Also, with pcmanfm one can just use the F4 key to open a terminal in the curent directory pcmanfm is in then sudo mousepad file, or sudoedit file, or something like that?

Yes! It is working :-)
Thanks very much!
I could not create the file directly in the folder ~ / .local / share / applications / and had to create it first via leafpad and save it in a personal folder, then move it. But maybe it was a nautilus problem.
My file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Edit As Root
Comment=Edit As Root
X-GNOME-FullName=Edit As Root
Exec=sudo leafpad %u
Using sudo with graphical applications is potentially dangerous.
Starting GUI applications with admin privileges is not always easy.
"Thanks very much!"
You're welcome.
Looks like it'd be better to change the line
Exec=sudo leafpad %u
Exec=sudo -H leafpad %u
Good point out jbar.
"With sudo -H almost any graphical app can be launched under root within any 'buntu flavour. This includes each flavour's default graphical editor and file manager.
An appreciable danger with sudo -H is that the -H flag is easy to forget. And all it takes is one omission for the damage to be done. "
Yeah that's true you shouldn't work as root for anythings.
"root" has unlimited rights.
You could execute malware code with unlimited rights on your system (from a pdf file, a bad package, an application bug, ...) or you could delete a file in the wrong directory.
But you know that :-) It's funny to do one time.
I can always reinstall Nautilus if it gets too "dangerous" ;-)
Changing the line
Exec=sudo -H leafpad %u
Exec=sh -c "export EDITOR=leafpad ; sudoedit "%f""
Appears to run the graphical text editor not as root, and only let's me edit files root's supposed to like text files under /etc/