Personal Websites
Does anyone want to share their personal websites? I would be willing to share mne if there is interest. It is an AGPLv3 compliant Mediawiki instance. =)
Aren't websites already being shared when you access them? Mine is under a free license already at
Technically yes. I am using "share" in the context of show and tell like elementary school. Haha.
My website is
most of it is under the cc0 waiver, including the javascript, website contents and python code. i keep my js as minimal as possible and i do think of people who would prefer to parse the site with typical command line tools, rather than a browser.
i like your page on minimalist choices for software, goop. its a little unfortunate that you contrast "autistic" with "sane", but i get it. i guess im sort of an aspie hipster-- i liked that sort of joke until it went all mainstream. though its probably like certain terms in hip hop... open source will keep calling us neckbeards until we take the word for ourselves.
I am sorry for the insensitivity. That was copied and pasted from a website that is not know for its tact or manners. Haha. I have since changed it.
oh, that was thoughtful. i wasnt requesting a change but kudos. yes, i went to one of the textboards as well... with those i definitely have some idea what to expect.
imo, sensitivity is a dangerous first priority and there should be places where it is not required or expected. both sensitivity and insensitivity are easy to overdo.
Cool website by the way. Talk about minimal!
thanks very much. i wanted to minimise the effort of editing it and adding to it, so the design is based around that. i could certainly add some fancy templates but ive never been happy with those. i used to run a gopher server.
In case you need inspiration, the mighty beauty of css design -->
welcome, mate goop :)
honestly, for all the good stuff css can do (especially with javascript-- im thinking of web apps now, more than site design) i liked the web a lot more when it was table-based. everything is the same now, with drop shadows on everything and huge wastes of screen real estate.
i take inspiration from good old vt100 instead. back when i was fancier, i used to get jealous of the university professors that hadnt updated their site design since netscape 4.0 came out.
Here's one of mine. I too like the internet of a bygone era:
So I'm thinking of doing an old school "Enter Site here" page for my personal website. I've been inspired by looking at pages on the NeoCities links that Freemedia put up. I've recreated the mosaic corporation landing picture to possibly use as the picture. The original can be found here: Attached is my version. What do you all think?

nice graphics!
Well, you can. But CSS is good: it allows to separate the content from how to display it. The CSS of is ~200 lines (I wrote it all manually):
I plan on doing it in W3C validated HTML5 and CSS3, but give it an old fashion look. I want it to be easy to load, even with a slow connection (:-)
Update: It's live Magic Banana (:I