Pine64 Entering the Risc-V Market

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Joined: 03/15/2020

Pine64 is going to be entering the Risc-V market with a SOC. Not much details yet but it will use the C906 and BL602 CPUs. They're aiming for the sub $15 price point so I won't expect a powerhouse but it's still nice to see more options to avoid X86.

Joined: 03/19/2020

Good that there's another option to avoid x86. Bad that the CPU vendor is once again Allwinner, which notoriously violates Linux' GPL :/

Btw, am I drunk or does the link you posted mention PINE64 reverse-engineering the GSM modem?

Btw2, they seem to also be reverse-engineering some risc-v-based wifi chip:

I hope they manage to fly under the radare of lawsuit bullies. PINE64 just grew in my eyes

EDIT: I just noticed they're not touching the problematic DSP part of the modem. Well, that's not surprising

Joined: 03/15/2020

Yeah I agree that it is a less than perfect solution but hopefully if it generates revenue for them they can do some more FLOSS friendly options or other players arrive to the market.