prboom-plus and freedoom 0.8
Hey all,
I have downloaded and compiled the latest version of prboom-plus and freedoom being that the repositories do not have the latest versions and I can even get it to run, but the only thing is, that it only runs if I either double click on the 'prboom-plus' icon under '/usr/local/games/' or if I cd to there using the terminal and type "./prboom-plus." What am I doing wrong?
It sounds like /usr/local/games is not in your path. You could either put /usr/local/games in your path or you could install to a directory that is in your path already.
You can also use links:
sudo ln /usr/games/prboom-plus usr/bin/prboom-plus
If you don't want to use links but you want to add that directory to your path instead, you can do this:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/games/
For me, the best solution is to use a text editor on
"/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.bashrc" (emacs, nano...) and copy-paste
"export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/games/" in the last line of the file. After that, the enviroment variable will have added the desired directory.
I think adding the '/usr/local/games' to your path, as in ~/.bashrc is the better way. Once path variable is so updated, you can just type the name of your program in the terminal or 'run' dialogue.
Will this allow me to just type "prboom-plus" in the command line to run it?
It should
You can add the path to the binary as the "command" in an entry you add in the menu with the "Main menu" (aka "Alacarte") utility, which is installed by default in the GNOME edition of Trisquel (the "normal one"). In this way, you need not open a terminal to launch the game.
Thanks everyone, with the suggestion from "a_slacker_here" I was able to get it working from a created link on my desktop, and have it saving to the proper place under my "/home/USERNAME/.prboom-plus" folder.
Glad we could help. For very frequently-used applications, I liekt o add a keyboard shortcut in system settings->keyboard shortcuts->custom shortcuts. Doing this in Main Menu is also a fine idea; you can put the shortcut in the 'games' category, if you like.