Printing in color

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hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

I can scan something in color and get a copy in color when using the hardware button.
But what I want to do is to print something in color.
I print from Evince, but I see that the print options are the same as CUPS at the localhost address.

For color, in "ink type", I tried CMYK color. The other options are black, or some variations on CMYK, like CMY color.
In "General", I have RGB color as default, grayscale, and CMYK stuff.

I get the basic difference between RGB and CMYK.
I blindly tried most of the options.

Still no color. HELP!

Joined: 12/10/2013

Do you have color ink?

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

Yeah, and it works. It seems CUPS works like the main setup, but then each program has its own personal profile, so to speak.

I probably have tweaked Evince a bit too much since I can print with GIMP in color. I have no idea how to reset Evince's settings though.

Anyway, I tried a high quality print on photo paper.
It's ok, I guess the original had quite ugly colors, and I couldn't give it enough life in GIMP. The level of details isn't as sharp as the original, even at 300DPI printing settings.
but it's OK. I guess I can't expect too much from a home printer. Or maybe I nead to practice and read more.

One annoying thing is that printing without borders doesn't work for me (I tried the option).
That makes the printed dimensions inaccurate.

Joined: 10/28/2015

I'm not on my trisquel machine right now so this may not apply, but see if the file ~/.config/evince/print-settings exists and try deleting it.

hack and hack
Joined: 04/02/2015

Beautiful, thank you :) !