Printing in color
I can scan something in color and get a copy in color when using the hardware button.
But what I want to do is to print something in color.
I print from Evince, but I see that the print options are the same as CUPS at the localhost address.
For color, in "ink type", I tried CMYK color. The other options are black, or some variations on CMYK, like CMY color.
In "General", I have RGB color as default, grayscale, and CMYK stuff.
I get the basic difference between RGB and CMYK.
I blindly tried most of the options.
Still no color. HELP!
Do you have color ink?
Yeah, and it works. It seems CUPS works like the main setup, but then each program has its own personal profile, so to speak.
I probably have tweaked Evince a bit too much since I can print with GIMP in color. I have no idea how to reset Evince's settings though.
Anyway, I tried a high quality print on photo paper.
It's ok, I guess the original had quite ugly colors, and I couldn't give it enough life in GIMP. The level of details isn't as sharp as the original, even at 300DPI printing settings.
but it's OK. I guess I can't expect too much from a home printer. Or maybe I nead to practice and read more.
One annoying thing is that printing without borders doesn't work for me (I tried the option).
That makes the printed dimensions inaccurate.