Printing photos

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I am a translator!

Joined: 08/18/2020

I took the opportunity of my aunt being worried by some email that Losedows 10 would have no more support in some time to bring her a computer with Trisquel installed. I managed to find what she was looking for, the printer/scanner worked immediately without doing anything (nice surprise, I need to add it to h-node) but there was one thing where I could not find out how an easy way to do what she wanted: printing a photo. I managed with darktable but it is a little too heavy for such a simple task.

In MATE, photos open in viewnior but I could not find any print option. Besides, in Losedows, my aunt is used to select a number of photos in the file manager, click share and print, and then she has an option to select a layout with a singe photo or multiple photos per page.

Is anyone using a similar feature on Trisquel? How are you doing this?

Merry grav-mass to all!

Joined: 05/20/2022

I use Eye of MATE as default image viewer. You get various options in Image > Print, including size and position, but this only applies to the current image in the viewer.

Shotwell does a good job of organizing image collections, but I never used it for printing purposes.

Joined: 09/13/2010

Checkout Shotwell.

According to my searching on the internet it supports N-up printing: