Problem with the gnome panel.

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Joined: 04/14/2012

Hey guys !!

I need your help !

I want to change the theme of my gnome panel. So I use the "Windows+Alt+Right click" shortcut to do this :

  • In the Panel Properties, I unselected "None (use system theme)" and I selected "Solid color"

But with this method, some parts of my panel don't change (see my picture). Why ? In Trisquel 5.5, this problem was not here !

Can I change the code source of the Trisquel GTK theme ?

Thank a lot for your help.

Sorry if my English is bad, I'm not English and I do some effort to speak with you :S

color.jpg11.64 KB
Joined: 05/13/2010

Yes, this is a new problem in Trisquel 6. It has to do with the gnome 3 transition.

I don't think there's an easy way to fix it. All Trisquel source code is provided and can be freely modified.

One solution that might or might not be viable is to use another panel altogether, like tint2.