Project FEF
Im starting project Free Engineering will bring together all the free software and free knowledge that is needed to support social chemical engineering projects.For example, a water treatment plant for a town, it will be founded by everybody and the benefit will be for all. biodiesel plant, biogas plant... everything independent from any goverment. is time to rise, organize, and bring progress to us our selfs.
If you are a ChemE, you just access the FEF and you will have all the data and software needed to start a project, all colaborative...
Let be independent from all nasty privative software for plant design... from privative chemical data...
Let say a air purifiers installed in many places from a very polluted city. founded by all the people from the city, designed by ChemEs willing to do better for the world, and all the plan and design data free for the world.
Sounds great to me. And reminds me of things like
App tech and open source ecology are really interesting, i got inspired by them.
I just change the name to Project Huichol. in tribute to the Huichol people in mexico, if they had more, the could figth against all the oligarcs that are killing their lands and their comunity...