Questions About Keepassxc, VeraCrypt, ZuluCrypt and Some Others

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Joined: 07/21/2019


This is the first time that I signed on to this forum. It's good to be here!

I have been into computers since the 1980s beginning with the Commodore 64, and later, the IBM XT with Windows 1.0 and OS/2. Then, in the early 1990s, I got involved with a Linux group at a local college. Though I knew much less than my fellow members at the Linux SIG (Special Interest Group), I started an off-campus extension of that SIG with those members to spend more time learning about what I later learned was actually GNu/Linux. Although, I mostly used MS Windows because it had the programs I could easily use to publish newsletters, etc, I began to buy books like Yggdrasil, Running Linux by Matt Welsh, and a number of others to learn more. Over the years, I tried dozens of GNu/Linux distros via CD like Redhat. At my local SIG, the project leader in the early 1990s introduced me to Debian, which he began to help out with. Later on, I began to use various Ubuntus, a derivative of Debian, which I also used.

Being interested in security, privacy, and freedom, which most people really do not seem to be interested in, no matter what they might say, I became interested in "free" software, and I found that of all the "free" software that I could find listed on Distrowatch years ago, I preferred Trisquel. Since I do not like Gnome3, I won't use PureOS, a derivative of Trisquel.

At the moment, I'm using a derivative of Devuan, an offshoot of Debian, because it does not employ "systemd," but because Star, that derivative that I use, uses the blob-infested Linux kernel, and not the "free" version, and it is the easiest for me to use, I decided to go back to Trisquel.

Right off the bat, I have several questions. With Star, I have been using Keepassxc, a more up to date version of Keepassx, and I noticed that your repository does not carry it. Do you plan to, or is there something wrong with it in some way? Also, I use VeraCrypt and sometimes, ZuluCrypt, and I noticed that you do not carry either one in your repository. Are they both actually non-free?

I am not a coder of programs though I did give early Basic a try, and I have created several websites using HTML and CSS along with JS plugins for many years. I would appreciate it if you could answer my few questions.

Keep up the great work!

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010


Trisquel 8 is based on Ubuntu 16.04. Of the three programs you list, only ZuluCrypt is in the repository of Ubuntu 16.04 and it is as well in the repository of Trisquel 8: the package is named "zulucrypt-gui" (assuming you want the graphical front end). KeepPassXC is not in the repository of Ubuntu 16.04, but it is in the repository of Ubuntu 18.04. I am not aware of any freedom issue with it. That is why I believe it will be in Trisquel 9's repository. On the contrary, not all VeraCrypt is free software because it includes proprietary code from TrueCrypt:

dctrud (not verified)


I'm currently running the in-development Trisquel 9.0 and can confirm that KeepassXC is there...

keepassxc/etiona 2.3.1+dfsg.1-1 amd64
Cross Platform Password Manager

An option to get it on an a Trisquel 8.0 system is to install it using Guix (an alternative GNU packaging system that several people here on the forum have installed on Trisquel). Guix currently has keepassxc 2.3.4 available.

If you search for 'Guix' on the forum here there is some discussion about what it is, and how to set it up.

Joined: 07/21/2019

Hi again.

I want to thank both of you, Magic Banana and dctrud, for responding so quickly.

@Magic Banana - Thanks for correcting me about the origin of Trisquel (Trisquel 8 is based on Ubuntu 16.04.) and that it was not Debian.

Now, I have to go to Ubuntu 16.04 to get ZuluCrypt, which I can find as "zulucrypt-gui" That's fine because I prefer the gui anyway. Also, since KeepPassXC is in Ubuntu 18.04, while I'm on Ubuntu's site, I'll grab that too. Fantastic!

Now returning to VeraCrypt and ZuluCrypt, I thought that the VeraCrypt people had cleaned up TrueCrypt. That's a shame! Also, if ZuluCrypt is one of the ways, other than VerCrypt itself, to logging into VeraCrypt, why would I even need ZuluCrypt to log into VeraCrypt? I know that ZuluCrypt does some other things, but if I'm mainly going to use it to open my VerCrypt files (which I'll have to move somewhere else) what good is ZuluCrypt in my case? Is there a "free" alternative to VeraCrypt that has hidden features that you know of?

@dctrud - If I don't grab Keepasxc from Ubuntu 18.04, I'll try to get "keepassxc/etiona 2.3.1+dfsg.1-1 amd64" from Trisquel 9.0. Since I do prefer the latest Keepassxc, maybe I'll get it from Guix. I'll check that out too.

Again, thanks to both of you for all of your help. If I need anymore assistance, I'll be back!

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Joined: 07/24/2010

My data are on an eCryptfs filesystem. It is one box to check in Trisquel's installer, unless it became the default with Trisquel 8 (I do not know).

Joined: 09/08/2014

> thought that the VeraCrypt people had cleaned up TrueCrypt.
It is probably the truecrypt license part which stops
veracrypt from getting free software.

You got the veracrypt source code.
Which has been audited

Joined: 11/22/2018

I have to ask, I have been using KeePassXC by downloading the AppImage and verifying it with GPG with a strong web of trust. How does Guix verify the integrity of it's packages. I would happily use Guix to replace this method if I could be certain that the integrity of the package was safe from tampering.

Joined: 12/24/2014

Just throwing this out there, but there's also Tomb if anyone cares about that.

I've found Tomb to be really easy to use.