Ralink rt5390 with Trisquel 5.5

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Joined: 08/20/2012

I just switched my desktop to Trisquel from Gentoo a few days ago, and I liked it so much, I installed it on my netbook. Everything works great, except the wifi. The netbook uses a Ralink rt5390 as its wireless card, which I was able to get working in Gentoo. I looked through the Trisquel packages for drivers, but I didn't see anything. I then followed the same route as with Gentoo and compiled the drivers from Ralink. They didn't work either. I know there are tons of stories floating around about that card not working well with GNU/Linux, but I also heard that it is covered by the rt2x00 project, so I'm not sure. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.


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Joined: 04/23/2011

Unfortunately this chipset is dependent on non-free firmware. Gentoo is also not something this forum would support as the distribution has non-free software related issues.

Here is a list of free software distributions:


If you like Gentoo though there is a distribution based on it without those issues:


Joined: 08/20/2012

Okay, so it is the chipset. So my options are to pick up a new card from thinkpenguin or go back to a non-free distro. Alright. Thank you for clearing things up.