Recovering Deleted Files

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Joined: 11/07/2009

Hello. I've deleted several files from 3 separate hard drives (all ext.4). Is there a program, in Trisquel, designed to make it "easy" to recover these files?
Thanks in advance.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

First of all, you should stop using the partitions where the files were removed because you may overwrite the sections of the disk where the removed files were. If that happens (or happened) all hopes of recovery are lost. You can use a Live system.

Install and execute the "PhotoRec" program. It is in the "testdisk" package in Debian and derivatives (and, yes, you can install a program on a Live system). See for step-by-step instructions. Notice that the file names and their paths are lost. The real work therefore comes after: finding the files you care about among all those that were recovered. See for a few useful scripts.