Rockbox news, good and bad

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the good news is, rockbox has a new version. The bad news is it requires qt5.13. If anyone can confirm otherwise, let me know. :)

Magic Banana

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You are talking about the Rockbox Utility (the automated installer tool for Rockbox), rather than Rockbox itself, right? I used the version 1.4.0 to flash the latest Rockbox ROM. That one depends on Qt 4.8.0 or superior.

zapper (not verified)

Yep, the Rockbox Utility. And 1.4.0 is not the newest anymore.

The new version is 1.4.1

Magic Banana

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I know. But you can flash the latest Rockbox ROM using an older version of Rockbox Utility. That is what I did. With version 1.4.0 of Rockbox Utility.

zapper (not verified)

Ah okay, thats what you meant. I guess I am a bit greedy. :/

Well can you confirm if it indeed requires that qt vesion, 5.13 with the new rockbox utility?

Because last I checked I think it does.

Either way, I also am curious what improvements are made.

Magic Banana

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(So, unless you suffer from the fixed crash or want to install Rockbox on an iPod 6G, there is reportedly no reason to update the Rockbox Utility.)

zapper (not verified)

Ah okay. Still odd that it requires qt5.13 though. meh...

Joined: 05/01/2018

I use KDE as one of desktop environments on my workstations for routine works, so qt dependencies are not big problems.

Joined: 05/01/2018

I always manually unlock the bootloader and replace the firmware.

Creative Zen is great for Rockbox. I use internal flash storage for Rockbox firmware and SD card for music storage. At least 256 GB (formatted as FAT32 using non-Losedows-based disk tools) is supported.


I am a translator!

Joined: 01/11/2011

I'd like to point out that the new Rockbox release (from a month ago) is only useful for older devices. Benjie T6 (the latest device to support Rockbox that can be purchased new for 50 bucks) supports Rockbox (it can be installed via microSD card after downgrading the official firmware but Bluetooth does not work under Rockbox) but it requires the unstable version of Rockbox and is unsupported by the utility.

Joined: 05/01/2018

Even unstable version of Rockbox is much stabler than official firmware. I have several Creative Zen which are only supported by Rockbox unstable. But they worked flawlessly for quite a few years. By contrast, before I unlocked them, I tried to backup data from one of them, and the factory firmware crashed many times during the operation so I had to use the reset hole.

And the automated GUI version utility is not so important too. Everything can be done in a single Terminal window, including converting font files for use with Rockbox.

zapper (not verified)

I use Sansa Fuze+ which is at present... in the unstable list prior to 1.4.1.

I only have two issues, the clock has to be reset alot, and on very ultra rare occasions, I get a kernel panic.

I have two of them though that being said, and they are the most well built sansa fuze devices out there. The regular fuze and fuze 2.0 are less sturdy... ;)

My point being, I love the fuze+ and yes, you are probably right the stock firmware is crap by comparison. :)