RSS reader with proper Tor support ?

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Joined: 07/17/2013


I have been using old Thunderbird with Torbirdy addon, but since this means not getting anymore security updates (read here, I am looking for another RSS reader that supports Tor.

I thought at first about Liferea but noticed it has not been updated in 2 years, so I worry that it's not more secure than using my current Thunderbird.

I also thought about using an online TTR instance, but those require me to activate / deactivate JavaScript every time I want to use it. Even if I could forward the feeds to my email account, adding a new RSS feed would force me to use JS. I understand TTR is free software but I don't like activating and deactivating JS every time...
Is there a non JS interface for this? Similar to SquirrelMail, but for RSS feeds?

Also, the reason I need proper Tor support is because I want to use some onion RSS feeds.

Thanks for all the help guys!


I am a translator!

Joined: 01/11/2011

I use gPodder but haven't tried TOR feeds. Do you have any to test? I'm guessing gPodder is more a podcatcher than a feed reader so for actual reading it's probably better to use something else. Another option is to use Evolution's RSS reader.

Liferea hasn't had a new release in 2 years but the development hasn't stopped so if you want the latest release just download the latest git revision.

Joined: 07/17/2013

Thanks for the reply.
Here is a youtube channel feed from Invidious.


It's the LGR channel, interesting stuff they share indeed ;)

Tell me if it works in your program. Thanks!


I am a translator!

Joined: 01/11/2011

It didn't work in gPodder or in Evolution :(

Joined: 07/17/2013

Thanks for the feedback.

I come to understand there is a shortage of Tor support for a number of apps.

Joined: 02/12/2015

Here is a 2-year old blog post about how to use newsboat with Tor - maybe this will be of some use to you: