seeing 'chrome://' in history?

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Joined: 05/28/2022

On a laptop with Trisquel 10, when right clicking on the right arrow in the left top corner of an open window in Abrowser to see the history, the first (seen on the bottom) entry is shown as


Because it mentions chrome I'm confused because I use Abrowser. Tried to find out on Wikipedia what it could refer to. Maybe it has to do with XUL? (Sorry, am not good with tech.)

On an older netbook with Trisquel Mini 11, the first entry there is shown simply as 'New Tab'.

I'd be grateful if someone on this forum can explain why it says 'chrome'. Thank you!

Joined: 09/13/2010

"The visible graphical interface features of an application are sometimes referred to as chrome or GUI"

Mozilla's doing the same thing here where they use term "chrome" to refer to their UI elements. The specific chrome://browser/content/blanktab.html entry refers to the blank tab page (which eventually becomes the "New Tab" page). Referring to the GUI as the app's "chrome" predates Google Chrome by decades. Think of referring to an app's "shiny bits" that the users play with, which probably goes back to the use of chrome on cars as a decorative finish.

Joined: 05/28/2022

"Think of referring to an app's "shiny bits" that the users play with, which probably goes back to the use of chrome on cars as a decorative finish." That makes sense, @jxself , thank you for this explanation and the link to the Wikipedia page!