Sensors-applet not showing in Dagda (solved)

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I just recently upgraded to Trisquel 5.0 Dagda, and I noticed the sensors-applet does not show up in the list of panel applets -- I depend on this applet a lot. The applet installs fine from the repository. I later noticed that other common panel applets did not show up as well (e.g., dictionary, invest). I spent half a day working on it, and it turns out the solution is rather simple. The ones that don't show up in the "Add to panel" list are Bonobo-based applets. All I had to do was install gnome-panel-bonobo from Synaptic, and voila.

By the way, it's been great with Dagda so far. HDMI sound now works, as well a Elephant Bluetooth mouse, both of which weren't working in Taranis.