Slow terminal and office writer when typing?

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Joined: 03/18/2018

Just installed Trisquel on a 8GB Ram laptop and wondering if anyone else has had this problem. The install went fine but there's always a brief time-delay when I'm typing on either the terminal or the writer program (I forgot the name, could be LibreOffice?)

Basically if I hold down the letter a to type "aaaaaaaaaaaa" it won't type in real-time, it will delay for a bit, so after I take my finger off the button it will carry on typing for a second or so to "catch up" with what I've typed. I'm not really sure why that's happening, and I tested out a different distro where I didn't get the problem. If it was a low spec PC I could understand but at 8GB ram and with the problem not occurring on a different distro, I don't know.

While the easiest fix is to just use the distro I don't get the issue on, it isn't a fully free one, and that's important to me. Over the last year I've gradually moved from proprietary to free and this is the last hurdle. Anyone help me out?

Magic Banana

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I would try a more recent kernel, taken from jxself's repository:


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Have you unmuted audio since installing Trisquel? Sometimes with Trsiquel the screen reader will start out enabled upon installing, and one time I was getting lagging typing after a fresh install and didn't understand why until I unmuted audio output and realized the screen reader was on and slowing my typing down.