SoundConverter won't convert .wma to .mp3
I recently installed SoundConverter (2.0.4) on Trisquel 7. All updates have been downloaded and installed with apt-get. Today, I tried to convert some .wma files to .mp3. It didn't work, and I and got a pop-up with the following error message:
"failed to install plugins: "<"enum GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_NOT_FOUND of type GstInstallPluginsReturn">"
("" marks added around the <> tags so the text inside them displays)
I tried converting the same files to .ogg, which popped up the same error message, but this time the conversion did try to run. It created a bunch of empty files and then the time left counter sat there going up until I cancelled this job.
When I re-opened SoundConverter using a terminal, it spits out these messages:
SoundConverter 2.0.4
using Gstreamer version: 0.10.36
using 2 thread(s)
using gio
"faac" gstreamer element not found, disabling AAC output.
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised
gnome.init(name, version)
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised
gnome.init(name, version)
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::display after class was initialised
gnome.init(name, version)
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/soundconverter/python/soundconverter/ Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::default-icon after class was initialised
gnome.init(name, version)
(soundconverter:2502): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail-gnome' which is needed to make this application accessible
Running the two conversions produced this additional output:
(soundconverter:2502): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail-gnome' which is needed to make this application accessible
walking: 'file:///home/strypey/Music/to-convert/fat_freddy's_drop-live_at_the_matterhorn'
Queue start: 4 tasks, 2 thread(s).
Queue done in 0.110s (4 tasks)
Queue start: 0 tasks, 2 thread(s).
Queue done in 0.000s (0 tasks)
no application found
Error: Error
failed to install plugins: <enum GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_NOT_FOUND of type GstInstallPluginsReturn>
Creating folder: 'file:///home/strypey/Desktop/fat_freddy's_drop-live_at_the_matterhorn'
Creating folder: 'file:///home/strypey/Desktop/fat_freddy's_drop-live_at_the_matterhorn'
Queue start: 2 tasks, 2 thread(s).
no application found
Error: Error
failed to install plugins: <enum GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_NOT_FOUND of type GstInstallPluginsReturn>
no application found
Error: Error
failed to install plugins: <enum GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_NOT_FOUND of type GstInstallPluginsReturn>
no application found
Error: Error
failed to install plugins: <enum GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_NOT_FOUND of type GstInstallPluginsReturn>
Any suggestions?
Do you have the package "gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly" installed?
Here, SoundConverter often outputs a "GStreamer error" message that says "Could not open resource for writing"... but it does the job anyway!
>> Do you have the package "gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly" installed? <<
Yes, I have the latest version in the Trisquel 7 repos.
>> Here, SoundConverter often outputs a "GStreamer error" message that says "Could not open resource for writing"... but it does the job anyway! <<
This was the case for converting from m4a, but not for .wma. VLC can play the .wma files, but doesn't seem to be able to convert them.
The problem seems to be particularly bad with .wma. I also have a bunch of .m4a files I want to convert, and I was able to convert a test file to FLAC, MP3, and Vorbis, but the UI was still buggy with MP3. The first time I hit the 'convert' button it did nothing but create a message saying "conversion done in 0 s". So I tried hitting the button again, and this time it popped up a couple of error dialogues saying "could not open resource for writing", but then successfully carried out the conversion.
I tried converting the .wma files with OggConvert. The error message said:
>> The file "02 Rain.wma" cannot be converted
The file format "video/x-ms-asf" is not supported. <<
Fortunately I don't have too many of these weird .wma files. I will try VLC.
VLC didn't work for transcoding .wma either. Segmentation fault.
You can try FFmpeg to convert. There is also a GUI (WinFF).
The problem I had in switching from Apple to GNU/Linux was the "bunch" of .M4A I have made in iTunes.
If the losless of the m4a format is ok and is playable in VLC, converting them is another story, because it is not a free format and iTunes didn't played Flac files (I don't know if it's always the case).
SoundConverter doesn't do the job.
I use avconv (the libre equivalent of FFMpeg in Trisquel) and I do :
$ avconv -i input.m4a output.flac
Convert all your files can be quite long. Maybe a solution sould exist for converting cevral files in the same command but I don't know how. FFMpeg tutorials could tell you to do it.
I don't kow if it's working with WinFF GUI as it is using avconv. It is motsly for video. But have a try !
Maybe you sould try avconv for your .wmv if everything else has failed.
$ avconv -i input.wmv output.mp3
But you will certainely loose all the metadatas of your files.
Remember m4a is a lossless format, not a lossy format ! So convert them in aiff, wav or flac !
As I said, I don't know why keeping m4a files if it's only really compatible with iTunes.
iTunes suks !
I also recommand the libre format opus, available in SoundConverter who is much more better than the old mp3 for a good lossy format for your future convertions.
You can check the quality with the Spek application avaliable in Trisquel.
M4A is a container which can also contain lossy formats such as AAC. If you need to batch convert, just copy all the M4A files into one folder and then use a for loop such as this (to convert M4A to FLAC):
for i in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "`basename "$i" .m4a`.flac"; done;
name at domain wrote:
> Convert all tour files can be quite long. Maybe a solution sould exist for
> converting cevral files in the same command but I don't know how. FFMpeg
> tutorials could tell you to do it.
I doubt ffmpeg would cover that, as that's a job for another program.
find FOLDER -type f -iname '*.m4a' -execdir ffmpeg -i "{}" "{}.flac" \;
This should work recursively, work with filenames that have spaces in their
pathnames, and leave you with copies of both M4A and FLAC files next to
each other. So be sure to run this only if you have plenty of free space.
You can delete the M4A files later (in a second find command) or as you go
(with "-delete" as an additional find argument). Shell for loops won't do
all these things, and they run the risk of filling the shell input limit.
You can rename the flac files from .m4a.flac to .flac with
find FOLDER -iname '*.m4a.flac' -execdir rename 's/\.m4a\.flac$/.flac/i'
Replace FOLDER in either command with the path to the toplevel folder
containing the M4A files.
If you want to do more than one ffmpeg transcode at once, check out GNU
find's (-P option) or check out GNU parallel.
Thanks for all these suggestions, particularly the ones involving bash script, which I'm keen to learn more about.
>> I also recommand the libre format opus, available in SoundConverter who is much more better than the old mp3 for a good lossy format for your future convertions. <<
Format choice is ... well ... complicated. There are two considerations. Which is the best format for use on Trisquel and other libre distros? The obvious choices are FLAC or Opus, depending on how much I care about space, and how much the sounds quality matters for a particular album (not much point encoding a Dead Kennedys album in FLAC ;). BUT I might also want to play my music on another device I don't own (a TV or a car stereo with a USB port, or someone's handheld device), and there's no guarantee they will play FLAC or Opus. Also, I might want to share music I love with friends, and I tend to find they get confused when I give them anything other than MP3. For better or for worse, it is supported by the most hardware and software players, and thus it is the de facto standard for music.
I seriously considered storing two copies of all my music, one in FLAC/ Opus, one in MP3, to cover all use cases. But then my music collection takes up twice as much storage space, or I can only have half the number of albums. I have to decide. For now, I am going with MP3, because I can use it everywhere.
My only regret with avconv is you can't do some intresting graphical features with audio files that FFmpeg allows and that can be very usful for cevral purposes.
This video extract shows it all.
This is quite brillant !
I tried those commands but they don't work for now.