Speech to text
Hi to everyone! Do you know, perhaps, a speech to text programm? If possible "free as freedom". Thank you.
The closest match I know about is this MIT licensed soft:
I downloaded the source from there: https://cmusphinx.github.io/wiki/download
Something went wrong when I tried to build the pocketsphinx package, possibly path-related, but I did not have enough time to investigate further. All the previous steps went fine.
Anyway, you can give a try at the demo, I got good results with Abrowser: https://alphacephei.com/en/
You can just install it from your distro's repository. You do not need to compile it from source.
Excuse me, Chaosmonk, but I don't see it in "Add/Remove Applications" In Trisquel mini 9.
> I don't see it in "Add/Remove Applications" In Trisquel mini 9.
It is not there but you can apt-get install the package pocketsphinx or install it through Synaptic.
Only GUI applications (those which have .desktop files and appear in your main menu) are listed in Add/Remove Applications. For other packages like command line tools, use Synaptic.
Thanks, I must have been unlucky and tried all *sphinx* combinations except this one. I should have known better and used Synaptic.
I tried with an electret condenser microphone, but 0 results with Abrowser of Trisquel mini 9. But that microphone works well with Audacity. What kind of microphone do you use?
I used my internal microphone. I think it worked after I stopped and started again.