Strange Checksum-Problem with Acer Aspire V3 772G
i got a strange problem with all checksums on Trisquel. I think it is a bug in ubuntu / linux or so. So i know this is probably not the right place to address this issue.
A little bit to me: After the Snowden documents i decided to use linux, and then finally i decided to switch to Linux. First i used Linux Mint, but then i switched to Trisquel after i heard a Talk of Richard Stallman.
On my laptop i have installed a small Windows 7 Partition, which i used for playing FIFA :)
Then i have a partition where i have have a Linux Mint installed. And finally i got a partition with Trisquel which i use now every day. With my laptop i always had problems verifying large iso-Files with gpg --verify (for eg whonix, which i use in a virtual machine). The problem i will now describe i had with my old hdd, but also on my SSHD, on which i migrated one year or to years ago.
On my laptop i have always problems Verififying iso-images via "gpg --verify". I always got the error "wrong signature". So i decided today to analyse this problem.
I got also a old Desktop-PC with Trisquel installed on it, where the problem does not occure. Here i could always verfy the images correctly!
So today i tried a md5sum on several iso's on Trisquell. I found out, that the md5sum always changes. Only if i booted up and quickly made the checksum the checksum got the right value.
Then i tried sha256sum, sha512sum, sha224sum which behaves the same way as md5sum.
For short files the checksums where all correct and "stable". But for long iso-Files the checksums where incorrect and changing time to time.
My first thought was, this might be a RAM-Problem. So i did a memtestx86 which shows no errors.
Next i tried my Linux Mint installation which behaves the same way.
Because i knew, my old hdd behaves the same as my new sshd, i was conviced not to have a hardware Problem.
So i tried to build a md5sum on my Windows 7 installation, and there the checksum was always right!!!!!!!! I verified this by a view examples. The checksum was always right and stable.
On a trisquel live-cd, when i copied the iso-Files to the RAM-Disk, the checksums where also always correct and stable!!!!!!
So maybe it is a driver problem???
When i searched the internet, i found sparly the problem noticed but not solved.
Can anybody tell me where i can adress this issue to help fixing that linux-Bug?
Thanks in advice!
Simple question: Have you updated your system?:
sudo apt-get update
and then upgrade:
sudo apt-get upgrade
If you have been convinced by rms' speech, you should certainly have written "GNU/Linux" whenever you wrote "Linux" above:
Check out your disk's SMART data and self-test it. In Trisquel, you can use the "Disks" utility in the "System Settings". Select your disk on the left-hand side of the window, click on the "gear" button in the top-right corner and choose "SMART Data & Self-Tests...".
GNU is an operating system, that usually comes with Linux (Linus Torvalds kernel for an operating system). GNU can use other kernels, like other operating system. When you say "Linux", you trying to say "operating system", but "Linux" is a kernel only, component of an operating system. Saying "Linux" I understand that you want a kernel.
GNU/Linux=GNU(OS) + Linux(kernel)
Linux distribution means this:
FAT32 file size limit is approximately 4 gigs. It can't possibly be that you installed GNU/Linux in a FAT partition.
How big are your "long" ISOs?
Thanks for your replys.
@pragmatist: yes, i regular do a dist-upgrade on my system
@magic banana / vita cell: thanks for your advices! I know that language matters. I try to practice speaking correct (free instead of open source, GNU/Linux instead of only linux). But i sadly find myself often using the "common language".
@loldier: My file-sizes are between 2 and 4.6 GBytes. The iso-Files are lieing in the home-folder in the through Trisquel GNU/Linux preinstalled xfs-File System. But i although tried it on a partition with the ext4-file-system.
Im now doing a SMART-Test (thanks for great tip!) of my disk. This seems to take some time ... .
So, after hours of work the SMART-Test successfully runs. It detected no problems.
I made parallel a few further experiments.
It tested again the checksums on the XFS-Filesystem with a 4.5 GB big file. The problems occur to stay. The checksum is after a reboot right. The signature test succeded successfully. For period of one ore two minutes the checksums stays correct. Then the value changed to a wrong value, stays the same for one ore two minutes and then the value changed again. The Signature-Tests then reports always "wrong signature".
Then i testet the checksums with the Trisquel-Core-Utils against the NTFS-Filesystem with the same 4.5 GB big file. There the problems did not occur. Always the correct checksums where calculated and the Signature Test always reported that the signature is correct.
So it seems to be Filesystem-specific problem. The problem occurs on XFS and EXT4, but not on NTFS.
For me that's a workaround for the future.
So it seems to be a problem on the GNU/Linux coreutils!?
Again, self-test the disk:
I'm not an expert in hashing functions, but it's my understanding that an md5 function returning different values on the same data is just about always due to a hardware malfunction. Thus Magic Banana is insistent on doing the tests on your disk (and you were right to run a memory check).
Since it seems to work consistently in that other OS, one other thing to check is whether your laptop is running hotter while in Trisquel as opposed to the other OS...
Hello together,
I did hours of RAM testing, but no problem was detected.
I checked my disk with the trisquel disk tool. No Problem was detected. I had the problem with my old disk too.
I love Trisquel, because it uses very low recources. With the other operating systems my laptop runs hotter. The fan there regularly speeds up so i can hear it.
But, when i run the checksums from trisquel against my NTFS file system, the checksum-Problem does not occur. This is now enough for me.
Otherwise my laptop runs fine. My next laptop will by one of the Libreboots.
Thanks all of you for your support and your suggestions!!!