Terminal and Nautius hang

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Joined: 01/23/2015

Hope somebody out there has some thoughts I have recently started using Trisquel, love the design but after a week I am having one issue. There are times when either the terminal or nautilus give me a starting ... prompt and then disappear and don't open. If I reboot everything is ok for a while but eventually happens again. I thought it might be the hard drive but a scan says it is ok. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Joined: 08/25/2010

I think the same used to happen to me. The problem was shown after mounting a samba shared folder, suspend, resume and then trying to open nautilus. Could it be the same what is happening to you? In that case just remember to eject the smb folder before going to suspend.

Joined: 01/23/2015

Now that you mention it I have mounted a samba share when it occurs and that is when it occurs, thank you for the info.