Thoggen DVD ripper

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Joined: 08/27/2010

I know this may be hush-hush, but I recently found Thoggen DVD ripper in the repos and found that it can only rip unencrypted DVD's. It seemed to imply that dvd decryption libraries *could* be installed...

Is there a way to decrypt dvd's to rip them? Perhaps Trisquel does not agree with such activity...

Magic Banana

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To have libdvdcss (necessary to read encrypted DVDs), you only need to execute the following command:
$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

Bypassing DRMs is illegal in some countries. The problem is the mere existence of DRMs...

Joined: 11/30/2010

I thought this was installed by default?

P.S. I think the application K3B (available in Add/Remove Applications) does something like this, although I haven't tried it recently:

Magic Banana

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libdvdcss is not even in Trisquel's repositories:

I do not know why.

Executing the command I wrote earlier install a package named libdvdcss2 (downloading it from the free pool of but without adding this repository).

Joined: 07/26/2010

В 02:12 +0100 на 19.11.2011 (сб), magicbanan[@nospam] написа:
> libdvdcss is not even in Trisquel's repositories:

> I do not know why.

It is not part of Debian or Ubuntu. The main reason is that there are
legal issues in some countries. That is why Debian does not include it
in their repositories, hence Ubuntu, hence Trisquel. The library
circumvents DVD encryption and is considered it is in collision with the
DMCA and other copy prevention laws.

If you have libdvdread4 installed, the following file has some
explanations: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/README.Debian

An article in Wikipedia [1] also explains how libdvdcss came to

The DVD as a concept was intended to prevent using discs from different
regions and and prevent copying, distribution and prices. [2] A monopoly
over country/region.


Joined: 08/27/2010

The K3b thing requires libdvdcss too.

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

Have you executed the command I indicated? Afterwards, Thoggen will probably work on encrypted DVDs.

Joined: 11/30/2010

Yes K3B has many dependencies. I've found it easier to use another GNU/Linux distro, such as Mint, for this kind of task. Then I think most of these are already built-in.

Personally I finished up with the whole DVD ripping thing years ago. I don't rip encrypted DVDs anymore, it's easier to download a ready ripped torrent.

Although I don't waste my time and bandwidth downloading movie torrents these days. It's mostly schlock that comes out of Hollywood now.