Tomb: Problem with GnuPG
I am trying to use tomb. It makes movable encrypted folders which need a separate key and a passfrace to open. Tomb is free software and a part of the dyne:block GNU/Linux.
I have used tomb succesfully before but now I have a problem with it. Tomb moved from package format to being a script. I can create a tomb and a key to encrypt it but when I try to use the key to encrypt the tomb I created the script fails. It won't accept the passfrace I made for the key.
I installed all the dependencies but I still get a GnuPG error:
gpg: keyblock resource `/home/lammi/.gnupg/secring.gpg': file open error
gpg: keyblock resource `/home/lammi/.gnupg/pubring.gpg': file open error
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
gpg: decryption failed: bad key
tomb [E] No valid password supplied
It seems I'm missing a few files. I couldn't even find the .gnupg folder. How can I solve this issue? I installed all the additional GnuPG related packages. My GnuPG version is 1.4.11.
Tomb's home page:
You need to generate a key. Open a shell and execute:
gpg --gen-key
Thanks. Thant solved the issue. I wonder why I had to do this extra step. It wasn't documented on the tomb manual or man page and I already had created a key using tomb. Should I send the tomb developers a message about this?
I have another problem with tomb although this is a minor one.
After opening a locked tomb, I cannot access it without root priviledges. Why? An opened tomb could be accessed without root priviledges just fine when tomb was still in package form. Has anyone else faced this issue?