Tor transparent proxy and Abrowser

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Joined: 08/19/2013

We know that the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB; tor-browser; torbrowser) is non-free, and that TorButton is no longer maintained. What about creating a transparent proxy, and run Abrowser within?

Magic Banana

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Joined: 07/24/2010

I did not know the Tor Browser Bundle is non-free. What does it make it so? As written on the Wiki page you link to, "Tor won the Free Software Foundation's Award for Projects of Social Benefit". It is in Trisquel's repository.

Joined: 08/19/2013

[quote]Our recommendation is contrary to Tor Project's because Tor's version of firefox does not meet the requirements of the GFDL[/quote]. Not to be mistaken by Tor. Tor Browser Bundle is not in Trisquel repositories, as far as I know. Tor is in the Trisquel repositories and is free software.

Joined: 09/14/2011

That link probably means FSDG (Free System Distribution Guidelines) and not GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License). In any case not meeting FSDG does not make something non-free. These are related but separate issues.

Joined: 04/19/2012

> We know that the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB; tor-browser; torbrowser)
> is non-free

I'm not sure if the TBB modifications to Firefox have been compared with
GNU IceCat and Abrowser. However:

- When using the Plugin Finder on an SWF object, it does not suggest
anything at all (on the other hand, Mozilla Firefox suggests Adobe
Flash, Abrowser suggests Gnash IIRC).

- TBB is de-branded, except in the "About" section which still says
it's Firefox. It isn't clear to me whether this would be a trademark
issue or not.

- Mike Perry spoke out against proprietary DRM components in Firefox
and confirmed that they wouldn't be shipped with TBB. I'm not sure
if TBB will link or recommend the proprietary components or not.

- I'm not too sure about H.264.

> and that TorButton is no longer maintained.

Actually Vidalia is no longer maintained, but it has been replaced by
the Tor Launcher. The Torbutton extension is maintained for integration
with TBB and continues to receive updates:

> What about creating a transparent proxy, and run Abrowser within?

Having yet another web browser typically means another "browser
footprint" which makes web browsing more unique (less likely to be
anonymous)--unless, of course, great care is taken to create the same
browser footprint as another browser.
