Is Triskel coming back anytime soon ?

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Joined: 09/14/2012

Hello Everyone,

I was at the meeting but I totally forgot to ask this question :S (Don't know if anyone else did before me since I only entered the meeting at the SPAM section).

A few weeks ago there was a triskel (kde) iso available in the devel repositories for the 6.0 version of Trisquel. But now it's gone. And I wanted to use it since it is clean compared to the Trisquel one (in terms of being made for a KDE usage and not a Gnome usage) and because with this version I don't have the battery problem (don't know why but need to test it with KDE Desktop alone).

So my question is, do anyone know if Triskel is coming back or if it was just a testing that has been deleted ?

Thanks in Advance.

Joined: 09/13/2010

From the 2012-12-18 Meeting, isn't it "looking for a maintainer"?

Joined: 09/13/2010

But KDE will remain apt-gettable -- It's not disappearing from the repos.

Joined: 09/14/2012

Thank you for the answers. I know that it would be better to have an already installed KDE version, unless someone just made a simple script that would remove any gnome package and install all the kde packages and vice versa.

Joined: 09/13/2010

Are you willing to take over as the maintainer of the KDE-based release?

Joined: 09/14/2012

That could be a good idea but I don't know how to do it. Believe if I new I already had propose that :S

Joined: 04/19/2012

I've never tried these instructions before, but I found this page a while ago:


I am a member!

Joined: 04/23/2011

Rubén was looking to consolidate versions in part to reduce his work load. This means there probably won't be a Triskel unless somebody else takes up maintenance.

I also threw some ideas at him to see what he thought about changing things around a bit. I was not necessarily pushing for Trisquel to go one way or another. I was asking because I wanted to get his expert opinion on the amount of work required compared to the status quo. Right now most distributions are released on the tails of Ubuntu. This makes sense generally speaking for the current user base. However this doesn't work terribly well for less technical users. And I'm not talking about the people here. I'm talking about the people who don't know enough to setup there own computer (let alone install an operating system). Leaning GNU/Linux is easy. To some degree. However it is not possible for the masses to keep up with the constant changes.

What I was thinking was switching the release model to be based on Ubuntu long term support releases solely and then back porting critical pieces. Abrowser, hplip, linux-libre, and some other critical pieces. This would allow for better documentation to be developed, books to be printed that can actually be followed, and hardware support to be improved upon, etc.

He personally likes the idea. Like myself he thinks such a model would work great for him and lots of others. I too have found the LTS releases are really almost sufficient if not for a few critical apps. Simply back porting such critical applications would reduce the work of the less technical and those who have better things to do than play with GNU/Linux. It's not really an exclusive realm of the novice users although it would greatly help to ease adoption. His only issue it seems with taking Trisquel in that direction is it would reduce the hype/marketing/excitement factor that attracts users. For this reason I'd agree that Trisquel releases should remain as is.

In any case it is something that I'd love to help fund one day and see happen. Right now it isn't going to happen. It just doesn't make sense to waste the resources on it. However I hope things continue to go well with ThinkPenguin in the months and years ahead and that some day in the not too distant future such a solution would be available right alongside Trisquel.

The benefits of such a model are also that it would be more polished. More bug fixes. And generally better support.