Trisquel 6.0 (Pre-Alpha (?) Screenshots)
Hello everyone,
Here is some pictures of the new Trisquel 6.0 (Build trisquel_6.0-20121022) for those that can't test it and just want to know how things are working on :D I've done this after a request of Mark on a post from the Trisquel's French section forum.
This isn't the installed version because I have problems installing it (already reported by someone else on the Issues page.
Enjoy it :D (if anyone need any other information just ask and I'll be glad to help).
Thanks bud, looking good
On Fri, 2012-10-26 at 21:54 +0200, name at domain wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Here is some pictures of the new Trisquel 6.0 (Build trisquel_6.0-20121022)
> for those that can't test it and just want to know how things are working on
> :D I've done this after a request of Mark on a post from the Trisquel's
> French section forum.
> This isn't the installed version because I have problems installing it
> (already reported by someone else on the Issues page.
> Enjoy it :D (if anyone need any other information just ask and I'll be glad
> to help).
I'm glad to know that Abrowser is in ver 16 by default when we upgrade
to Toutatis.
Sent from Trisquel Gnu/Linux
Red Baptist
XMPP: name at domain
It's probably time for us to do some testing...
I've already installed it, I should start to bugreport everything I see xD
PS: The bug with KMS on the kernel 3.0 wasn't been solved in the 3.2 kernel.
hopefully will be able to test mini soon.
For those that wanted to know. Trisquel Gnome Classic now starts with Compiz Effects by default. With the same bugs as the Ubuntu 12.04 ones. I just hope they get corrected before the final release or I will have to use another DE like I did with Unity.