Trisquel 9 Beta - Multiple Monitor Support Seems to Be broken In Default Desktop
I can confirm that in Trisquel 8, I am able to have all three of my monitors show as separate screens. Upgrading to Trisquel 9, all of my monitors are forced into one screen, while it seems to still detect different monitors.
Like the panel stretches all the way across all three monitors? Eek.
No. Its like all of the screens are overlapped and im unable to reposition them. I posted a pic in #trisquel-dev. For some reason I'm not able to attach a pic here at the moment.
> I can confirm that in Trisquel 8, I am able to have all three of my
> monitors show as separate screens. Upgrading to Trisquel 9, all of my
> monitors are forced into one screen, while it seems to still detect
> different monitors.
Can you post this here?[1] I think if we compile all Trisquel 9 issues
in one place they will be easier to keep track of.
Revised issues list via your link.
It seems this issue doesn't exist anymore ... OR one needs to drag the displays in such a way tp properly arrange them toi not be overlapping in the display editor. I really don't like Mate's display editior because it feels janky. This is one of the reasons I use Gnome as my main desktop, eventhough Gnome is much heavier on system resources.