Trisquel 9: Does the Popup Notification Settings preview work for you?
On the Trisquel 9 preview, in the Popup Notification Settings, does the preview button work for you? For me, nothing happens, but it's a very minor issue and I've already brought up so many issues that turned out to be my ignorance about how to achieve this or that.
It is working for me, but I have Trisquel installed on my hard drive not booting from USB.
I used the Trisquel 9 netinstall, then did 'sudo apt install xorg' 'sudo apt install lightdm' then 'sudo apt install trisquel'.
I have no clue why it is not working for you.
> On the Trisquel 9 preview, in the Popup Notification Settings, does
> the preview button work for you? For me, nothing happens
Are notifications working at all?
>Are notifications working at all?
I didn't see any during that run of Trisquel 9 beta (I'll just call it "beta" so people from the future reading this will not assume this affects the final stable release of Trisquel 9), or at least not since I started this thread. I tried this and that in the hopes of triggering a notification; at some point either Trisquel froze/crashed again*, or I logged out and back in (can't remember); at any rate, all subsequent runs of Trisquel 9 beta worked fine with respect to notifications.
* About the freezing / crashing:
I think the live ISO suddenly freezes as soon as memory exhaustion reaches 100%. A few times, what seemed to cause this was having lots of browser tabs open, and maybe another huge program running, such as LibreOffice. In these cases, as memory approaches 100%, I notice things suddenly freeze for a very short time and everything slows down, and then I either manage to avert a total freeze by quickly closing a few tabs or windows until the memory graph drops a little and things become responsive again, or it doesn't let me do that and I have to power off the computer. At other times, the straw that breaks the Trisquel's back is not new browser tabs, but a download by wget or a package manager. In this latter case, which has happened to me twice, there is absolutely no warning sign (such as slowness), Trisquel goes from being 100 % responsive to irrecoverable freeze in a second. I think this may be disappointing for people trying out the live ISO; a warning should pop-up advising you to stop the downloads before they reach the point that triggers a freeze, or the downloads should be paused automatically. I don't understand how all this works, but I suspect using a live USB thumb drive with higher capacity would have made no difference at all.
These freeze-crashes of Trisquel 9 beta are one of several reasons why I'm replying only now; sorry for the delay. The other reasons have nothing to do with Trisquel.
Oh and a very minor bug: Sometimes Caja won't scroll to the bottom of the Control Center window when it's not maximized. It will stop a little above the bottom, so I cannot see the IBUS prefs icon (see screenshot, I am left-clicking on the empty part of the scroll bar, but what you see is the farthest down it gets). But I can maximize the window and then see it, so that's an easy workaround. Perhaps it has to do with the theme, or the larger-than-default font sizes I use.

Once the kernel cannot allocate the additional memory a process is requesting, it abruptly gains some space by killing (that is the term: the mechanism is called OOM Killer) some process. Not necessarily the one requesting the unavailable memory: heuristics try to detect which one is misbehaving. It is normal behavior. Not a bug.
And it is the main reason why I always advise to have some swap. The swap is an extension of the RAM on the disk. The disk is much slower than the RAM. With it, a system running out of RAM becomes unbearably slow (it uses the disk for lack of a faster option) but still runs properly: the user can save her work, choose what program to quit, etc.
Unless the computer has no disk, I believe a swap can be configured on a Live system, using the 'swapon' command. However, Live systems are not meant to be used that much: why not installing it on the disk? And unless, you maxed out the amount of RAM your motherboard supports, consider increasing that amount of RAM... or consider disabling JavaScript in your Web browser. Swap should only be necessary for exceptional situations: under a normal load, your system should not run short of RAM.
Thank you, I didn't know that. Unfortunately, I have SSD which I guess means I cannot use swap. I would still call the sudden freezes a bug because they feel like one to me even if it's wontfix, but that's not the issue here.
>why not installing it on the disk?
Because I don't have a spare machine where I could install it, and I only use the live system to see how I like Trisquel 9 and if I find any serious bugs; I haven't found any so far. I am not planning to use the live system in the long term. I want to install either Trisquel after a stable version is released (and maybe get a freedom-friendlier graphics card or a different monitor), or get a non-free distro so I can use my whole screen.
>unless you maxed out the amount of RAM your motherboard supports, consider increasing that amount of RAM
I don't know how to check whether it's already maxed out nor how to increase it if it is not (and what the reasons would be for not maxing it out, if any), but if problems persist after I do a proper install, I will ask here, thanks.
>consider disabling JavaScript in your Web browser
JS, external fonts, images and video were/are already disabled; I use an extension to only allow JS for individual websites. Wikipedia is heavy even without all that when you have enough tabs open.
Unfortunately, I have SSD which I guess means I cannot use swap.
You can.
I don't know how to check whether it's already maxed out
'sudo dmidecode -t memory' (to execute in a terminal) can tell.
how to increase it if it is not (and what the reasons would be for not maxing it out, if any)
Acquiring (usually buying) compatible RAM sticks to inset in free slots or to substitute smaller ones.
I wrote "Sometimes Caja won't scroll to the bottom of the Control Center window", but I think Caja is not involved at all in the Control Center window, so I don't know why I wrote that.
Where would I find this Trisquel 9 live iso?