Trisquel Download for PPC/ARM
When I go to, I only get amd64 versions. But I want to download (incomplete) versions for POWER9 and ARM.
You should find what you are looking for there:
Thats it what I need. Next I plan to build experimental live images.
Soon we'll have preliminary debian-installer images for arm and ppc64el.
Any ppc64el user that could give feedback please let us know.
I got Trisquel working on my Talos II. Unfortunately the GPU that I use does not work with free software, so I fall back to the AST2500.
But as a contributor to libre-soc[1], I think a freedom respecting 3D GPU is possible. The Arctic Tern[2] could be used to prototype one.
I wonder if it is possible to run Trisquel on the GameCube, which recently got a libre IPL[3]. I think the non-free Zelda game is a good object for reverse-engineering and a test case for a future Dolphin[4] port to the POWER9 and other PowerPC CPUs.

Congratulations on your work. How did you do it? Would it be good to add to the wiki?
"I wonder if it is possible to run Trisquel on the GameCube"
Not without work. Even ignoring other hardware, the GameCube has a completely different architecture from what Trisquel is targeting.
The internet tells me that the CPU in the GameCube is some PowerPC 750-something model from 2001, so it's around PowerPC 2.0. See this chart:
If you look to the right, note that this is before the unification of POWER and PowerPC with the Power ISA 2.03 in 2006.
If you continue to look to the right, the hardware targeted by Trisquel is POWER9 or later, which equates to Power ISA 3.0 aka OpenPOWER from 2016.
The kernel named Linux does support this older hardware from before the architecture unification and so does GCC and such so it can be possible to do. In fact, Ubuntu used to be available for PowerPC but has since been discontinued. It would be a complete recompile of the entire distro from scratch. The reverse is also not possible (running PowerPC binaries on POWER9). POWER9 binary compatibility only goes back to POWER7. For anything older you also have to recompile. The two are not binary compatible so it is, essentially, a different architecture. It's best not to confuse PowerPC and POWER. :)
"I got Trisquel working on my Talos II. Unfortunately the GPU that I use does not work with free software, so I fall back to the AST2500.
But as a contributor to libre-soc[1], I think a freedom respecting 3D GPU is possible. The Arctic Tern[2] could be used to prototype one.
I wonder if it is possible to run Trisquel on the GameCube, which recently got a libre IPL[3]. I think the non-free Zelda game is a good object for reverse-engineering and a test case for a future Dolphin[4] port to the POWER9 and other PowerPC CPUs."
Could you not install an Nvidia GT* 7 series GPU into the Talos II to use ? Love the Libre-soc project and wish it all the best.
Unfortunately most Nvidia GPUs have issues with DMA, at least the two I tested on. I also heard that libre-soc plans to fork the AMD Vulkan driver, so I chose AMD as most Talos II users do.